
I still don't understand the advantage of homegroups over simply sharing a folder. It seems to me that the 'simplest' system of sharing files is the one that involves the least amount of technical complication... All you do is share a folder on a computer and you can map to it from any other computer on your

I have a $150 receiver, a $400 set of speakers, various other useful things under 50 bucks, and 2 pairs of headphones I love that I got for under $150 on sale. I didn't buy these all at once, I've collected them over the years when I saved the money - only things I got all at once were the main speakers and the

Hahahaha wtf? ....mmm QDoba

Uh yea. 2 mill is overkill. How 'bout 20% more than fair worth of the apartment. No wonder she decided to gut it

Forgot about that, it's been a year or 2 since I've lived there lol. Oh the fun

Thank you for being the voice of reason

Yup. We call it a 30 rack, or just a rack (Makes for great innuendo jokes)

Does anyone else see that heart shaped something in the middle of the room??? Haha I picture some sort of Domino's overlord sitting on it with a paper crown, tossing pizzas left and right as he distributes them throughout the land

I've always loved that commercial because of it's current day irony... Replace the picture on the screen being smashed with an Apple logo, and you kind of get my gist. I'm not saying that to ignite any sort of fanboy-ism, I'm just saying that the extremely closed and heavy handed, regulated Apple software environment

Cue the "END OF THE DESKTOP!" 'prediction' headlines.

It's not the foresight that matters, it's the friends who like Rolling Rock and show up with a warm case from the store.

Is that picture a tattoo? Lol

Seems like we still need some 'mid-hemisphere' shots! I can't see the Eurasian continent or Australia in either released picture! :'(

I whole-heartedly agree with what you've said. That is a very good way of wording the core of what I think I was trying to get at.

Exactly, that's pretty much what I mean. Like I said, I'm not doubting that it's a real condition that does exist, I just think that it's diagnosed entirely too often. I don't think anyone can argue that today's kids don't process info in a faster and more fragmented manner than their parents did.

Now obviously, take my words with a large grain of salt because I'm no Doctor or Psychologist, but it's my honest opinion that ADD/ADHD is not a disorder in the way we see a disorder, but purely a side effect of our modern world. Look at how people interact with their environment. Look at how kids, teens, young

Thankfully this is the first year that the SuperBowl will actually be streamed online. If the NFL had seized that opportunity earlier on - like, you know, 8 years ago - then maybe we wouldn't see such a proliferation of sites like these. Same goes for every other sport. Take notice.

"an early episode will feature "a group of bandits acquiring the capability of time travel..."

The only way to defeat piracy: Give me what I want, when I want, how I want. That is it. Period.

That's what I tell myself at night... shudder. lol