They can't even offend people correctly! It's spelled blackout.
They can't even offend people correctly! It's spelled blackout.
Keep it going! I want to know what yeast evolves into! I'll bring my moonstone.
First step is to get people to stop watching the SD channels when they already have (and paid for) the HD versions of them.
I am legitimately excited to watch ALL OF THESE!
I'm a Virgin Mobile customer, and this is the only reason I have been using them. This is the only reason I recommend them as well - about $40/month for 1,000 anytime minutes and unlimited everything. Without this, there is no reason to keep using them. They're signing their own death certificate.
Or things too large for email that I need to send people without paying for/registering for an account somewhere.
I have to respectfully disagree. In the digital realm, it's simply not the same. Piracy, at least in the sense that SOPA/PIPA sees it, is like taking a picture of that painting with a really nice camera so you can hang it on the wall at home.
There's another aspect of "#2. Taking Store Credit Card Offers for Discounts, but Paying the Minimum" that often isn't mentioned, yet it's the most important.
This isn't interminably long... increase your attention span! :)
Good suggestion, but I no longer have to deal with it (thankfully) - graduated a few years back :)
That too.
100% agree.
Mmmmmm.... I'm a little hesitant about what this study implies. Yes, if we take todays fish and drop them in water with 2100's CO2 level, they have erratic, dangerous behavior. But by the time 2100 rolls around, I'm willing to bet that level of CO2 won't have the same effect. Seems to me like it's just a matter of…
Interesting. I was not under the impression that it was a law, just that it was a strongly implied (and obvious) moral obligation. It's good to know otherwise.
Ah, missed that.
Agreed. Also the accidentally channel changing... "The other day I was wtching the History Channel and..." "STOP CHANGING CHANNELS!"
I feel (and always will) that including anything with a TV other than the display itself will be shooting yourself in the foot as a company. I don't want my TV to have capabilities and Smart features - those are for set top boxes, HTPCs, game systems, and other media things that plug into the TV. The day I have to…
"and powered by multiple cores."
Much darker. The evil queen in Snow White ordered a huntsman to cut out her organs so that she could eat them. After Snow White dies, a odd Prince wants to buy her dead body to display in his castle, but when he kisses her, she awakens. At the very end, Snow White actually forces the evil queen to strap on iron…
Hahahahahahah I'm laughing so hard right now