
“You don’t know a thing about me,”

Wake me up when Fresh Off The Boat does a crossover with Blackish

May as well VOTE for Donald Trump

It's not bad, the episodes always start herky jerky but Walter and to a smaller extent, his man servant make the show. I appreciate Stewart's yeoman efforts.

Actually I'm black ahole

Calculates not being able to eat 'non cereal' meals between November and January
then Pulls out Debit card at laptop…

I thought the finale was wack! All of the good will the show produced in the previous 3 episodes ESPECIALLY the Penultimate one was wasted on basically making Ghost batman, Kanen 2face and Tommy the joker!
Also Joshua Harvey Dent was BLACK before…in his pre-2face days played by none other than LANDO himself Billy Dee

Let's keep it real! This is a show with a primarily black cast dealing with stuff and TYPES OF people white folks may not feel comfortable dealing with or having interest in. With that said raitings are below middling…hence the long wait between seasons and ambiguity with renewal. THEY are going for broke and

Call me a bitch one more time. …

Every one pour out some pigfeet juice and wave your confederate flag in the air…and wave them like you just Dont care (that they offend people)

You hooked me in with House of Cards, i couldn't control myself OR THE REMOTE with Breaking Bad, Friday Night Lights and Continuum, i was considering giving you MY SOUL BEFORE EVEN WATCHING DareDevil!

Here we go again. Cast the black guy as the animal savage bad guy! #racism

Typical white analysis. Everyone else is worrying about artisanal foods and decorating their homes and Sasha Kept it real. That was borderline Racist Zack!

Am I the only one or did someone else kind of want to see him accidently himself in the face and start crying?

That was a BS review, also while I agree the series has gone downward since Season 3 it started sloping back up last year and is ending on a high note. I thought last nights episode was the best of the season wrapping up Hoyt and Jessica, and possibly getting Jason Stackhouse to settle down.

While I LOVE TWD, people should be careful when they say this. Television audiences are very fickle. The cool zombies based on apocalyptic world set in a red state could give way to Lesbian half bred Alien, altruistic assassins tomorrow. 'Lost' tipped their hand at a media conference in which writers said they would

Rumor has it he tripped over an empty bottle of Jack Daniels after waking up from a drunken stupor in his trailer.

Don't get me wrong, Vee was necessary but everyone in there has a light and a dark side. Vee was the only one who was just straight evil. On the other hand 'P' was complex, she had a rich back story (which in my mind wasn't explored enough, just like Crazy Eyes/Suzanne). Plus in my mind, she deserved the most

Best Character of the Season Poussey
*Drops the mic
Waits for up votes

I was a fan of lost but in retrospect it was a horrible show. A bunch of characters with no meaning in the entire narrative who were inflated for no discernable reason. To me it was over 120 hours of crappy tv. I hate myself for watching it. JJ Abrams has redeemed himself with some of the movies he has done but