And no one was surprised.
And no one was surprised.
This is depressing.
@Faustroll: There is a worse episode of Enterprise that has a similar plot. In this one, there are, I think, three genders for the species. Now, the technology offered by this new species will be of great help to humanity, it is important to note. Also Capt. Archer and the alien leader are having a total bromance.
@RogueWarrior: What, like 1984?
Isn't Maxwell's theorem fundamentally different from the practical experiment?
@uglyMood: Then you'd better go change the Wikipedia page to better reflect your view of reality.
This is the worst idea ever. That anyone would even consider doing this lends credence to the evangelical argument: the time is nigh.
"Is the apocalypse in all your head? "
@Eltigro: Alot has meaning now.
Does anyone else find this series condescending?
@RandomThought: Yes.
When did Ron become a junkie?
Science fiction is a form of literature where you use words like "antimatter" and "quantum" without explaining what they mean or even, necessarily, knowing.
S-foils in locked position.
@Bootknife-Jackson: I agree with your breakdown EXCEPT the "meh." Give it a bit more credit.
If only he had picked a more original name.
@Laserlips: I've noticed the io9 writers tend to write about things they don't like. Then they start using words like "we" and "our" ad make it seem like the majority holds their opinion.