
The Astros’ cart better be a Slab.

That August, sitting on a beach in Connecticut with her parents, she made up her mind. “ ‘Guys, I think I’m going to start a blog,’ ” she told them. “ ‘It’s going to be about women and putting them and their narrative and their story at the forefront and giving them a voice and a platform and just really encouraging

There is a café in which I enjoy reading; it is quirky and bohemian. Which, in the Bay Area, can often mean that it attracts a certain cohort of Baby Boomer males whose apex in life was Woodstock, and who have never quite gotten over their lost youth. Believing that they are still sexual dynamos, their main hobby

You know what sucks? Besides the obvious. That even if trump gets kicked out of office and publicly ruined, all this shit has been put out there and exposed for the world to see. If the world was a neighborhood, we’re the family whose dad went outside jerked himself off and then took a huge dump on his next door

Thanks for the happy ending story 🌻❤️

Yeah, that makes sense, but let’s not give him the benefit out the doubt.

“...where the women are strong, mainly from fighting off unwanted sexual advances.”

It sounds like rhubarb pie might’ve been involved.

The irony of this is that Fort Bend County is, demographically, one of the least “stereotypically Texan” counties in the state. It’s incredibly diverse, and has a pretty high median income.

Ok. I think I’m in on the gag now. Is this Springs1 just one of a series of themed accounts you have to troll on particular topics? Springs2 might be used exclusively for posting about the IDIOTS and MORONS who don’t tailgate someone who flipped them off, and Springs3 is your account for shaming the groundskeepers who

I was taught that resting was lazy, resting was you just not trying hard enough.

With this, how will the girls, their parents and the other racists know that the school is on their side?

Jesus man, you’ve demonstrated some poor form there.

One of my best friends from high school full on hit his girlfriend with a punch square in the face right in front of me. I hit him so hard he was knocked out. Never spoke to him again. 20 years later and I have no regrets. Fuck that guy.

Exactly. A friend of mine has stopped inviting one of her closest friends from childhood to parties - and I think has stopped seeing him altogether - because he developed a habit of harassing women.

I was sure you were going to talk about people who knew how to sail being in good shape when I saw the preview.

The correct answer is, of course, road bikers.

Seeing Tom Petty in 2014 was one of the first dates I had with my now-fiancé. I’ve just suggested Angel Dream (no. 4) as a second dance at our upcoming wedding. Thank you for sharing the idea.

Angel Dream (No. 4) is one of my all-time favorite songs, by Mr. Petty or anyone. I’m glad you posted this because it’s a hugely underrated record. And I’m so sorry about your husband... he had amazing taste in music, and isn’t that what REALLY counts in a life partner?

I hate it when people do this but I’m going to do it anyway. You sound a lot like me a few years ago regarding house cleaning and organizing. My mom was messy, it drove my dad nuts, and I felt helpless and hopeless when I tried to get my list of shit done. I hated panic cleaning when someone was coming over. You know