
Celebratory gunfire is a thing I learned about in Sudan when I lived there. Such is my liberal bubble, I was unaware that it was a thing in the US. Truly, we are the third-world country of first-world countries.

I live in a rinky-dink town in California, and every New Year’s Eve the police, CHP, and sheriffs on patrol head for the parking structures at 10 til midnight to wait out the gunfire. Its been a few years since someone was killed by a bullet coming back down, but that hasn’t stopped the gun assholes from coming out.

Fireworks or gunshots also applies to LA. Like you, I prefer to stay indoors.

People in the middle of the country feel marginalized and forgotten.

+1 for the horse knowledge. Shows how phony this shit really is even if the Seminole nation permits (i.e. shit yeah we’ll take some guilt money from you) it.

“I’m kinda surprised he doesn’t have a tinted visor to go with his NHL jersey though.”

It’s not about the stick; it’s about the fact that the dude does an over the head tomahawk chop in a rec game... Decent chance someone punches you in the face for something that blatant in the NHL.

Well, a couple penalties could be called here. First, the guy who slashes the Biebs stick should get two for slashing for that play.

Trevor tends to be at his best when he gets to really pull on his South African identity, so I think he has the potential to be sadly amazing the next however many years if given the chance. (And I so miss The Nightly Show ‘cause for all it’s flaws, it’d tended to be pretty good at intersectionality).

Everybody hurts...

I’m so sorry for your loss. That is truly tragic. Internet hugs from an internet stranger.

I’m so sorry you went through this and for your husband who might have had a different outcome if there had been better options.

Oh my God. I’m so sorry that you went through that. I’m so sorry that you both went through that.

this reminds me of  an adjunct composition instructor at the University I used to teach at.

There are a fair number of shrinks who do take insurance. But a lot of the people who specialize in a certain illness don’t. My inner cynic thinks it’s because they know people will pay $300 an hour for some relief.

not true. snopes already covered it.

Grief and guilt, man, grief and guilt. They’ll do a number on you. I’m so sorry about your husband, truly. I feel like I lost “my person”—the one person in the world who got me and accepted me no questions asked. How can you replace that? I know that I can’t, and I don’t know how to move forward with this hole inside

He’s got the eyes of a Siberian Husky.

I’ll swim upstream for a minute and suggest fear, as well.

Oh, good point! Internalized misogyny for DAYS. Feminists aren’t strong or attractive enough to make it in a man’s world, is the reasoning... and they don’t think the fact that it’s a “man’s world” is the part that needs to change. She and her ilk really do think that women need to be the ones to do the adapting to