It’s some unhinged evopsych problem.
It’s some unhinged evopsych problem.
Of course! I just need to turn on my “open for fucking” beacon and I’m all set. I have the power!!!!!
Yep, these because these three things are equivalent to one another:
Oh, you mean the kind of traditional culture where women are treated as property and handed over as part of a marriage contract? Why didn’t you just say so?
Wow. No wonder you can’t get a date. You are a jackass who has no empathy whatsoever.
If only Craiglist had been around back then....
I think you are right.
No matter how many times you repeat it, I honestly don’t think there’s any evidence supporting your statement that “women have it easier”.
First off, your completely bizarre grading system leads me to believe you have not progressed past “late adolescence” in your emotional development. (or you are hanging out with your high school students entirely too much)
Wait, wait, let me stop laughing long enough to add a bit of perspective to this.....
They only just started adding A/C to the warehouses. At least in PA. And that took a multi-part investigation by the local newspaper to uncover all the bullshit Amazon was pulling there.
Sadly for them, had they spoken up with you, they probably would have gotten a comp or two from the bartender.
Actually, that explains it. I have yet to meet a person with a PhD in education who is not dumber than a box of rocks.
Here in Houston, we don’t have gaggles of sidewalk-blockers. But we do have lousy sidewalks which are increasingly populated with (mostly white, mostly hipster-type) people who are walking and texting with their heads down and swerving all over the damn place. I’ve started waiting until I am almost abreast of them and…
A similar story, but the other way around....
Yes,but you can get a “Beefalo” hybrid from them. I think usually it’s a domestic bull and a bison cow.
I’ve heard (from an inside source) that it is indeed some sort of health issue. :(
She would be the 4th Black female NASA astronaut in space. Mae Jemison was first, followed by Stephanie Wilson and Joan Higgenbotham.
A) You’d be amazed how many doctors don’t call out obvious issues. Especially if you are a white man. If you are a woman, it’s often the opposite (we always get “might you be pregnant?” and/or “You need to lose weight”) and B) You have to drink, like, a LOT before you really start seeing messed up liver enzymes. My…
But will you be physically able to cut back at that point? I was that wife. Now I’m a widow of an alcoholic.