dr. strangemonkey

I am now fully down for exploding things in Enemy Unknown. The calculation for me is that I am mostly looting things in order to get better means for me to kill them and preserve the mission overall, but splosions already accomplish that so let's splode.

Yeah Sword of the Stars is a great follow up to MoO complete with a sequel that's just heartbreaking in terms of how much was squandered.

Yeah, but it's interesting to me that none of that was Moore's end point - that he went on to do the ABC stuff as a sort of, I don't know, corrective to the popular influence of Watchmen.

Right. So. The scoop:
That guy is definitely an ass. It's not accurate to describe him as a drafter of policy on this point. He was expounding on a particular point of canon law rather than church policy, which is a whole 'nother discussion about how the two are related, and not doing it very well. The declaration from

It's just missing some syntax - should have read:
…in my epic space opera, Novella.

Or I you, I'm definitely a step or two behind in this conversation.

Well, I am fairly resistant to allegorical analysis in general.

I didn't think it was a bad episode at all, but, yes, it's hard to see how they doesn't count.

Sure but I think that that argument from the movie undercuts itself if the bad image doesn't have something to be a bad image of. Most of the takes thus far don't strike me as Dada-ist or Derridean (it's signifiers all the way down). Which makes it hard for me to take 'it's a swipe on religion' at face value, and

More basically I might be saying that a good dig against Ben Hur probably covers a host of sins.

That couldn't be 'these things happen but Hollywood is poor for capturing them?'

Well, we'll see, though much of what Pico actually mentioned strikes me as more Hollywood oriented than not.

Yes, I was very confused by the idea that there was strong overlap between Ben Hur and Hollywoo Biblical Epics and Christian Iconography.

Well, and they stole from a classic science fiction without giving credit and settling out of court. Let's not forget that.

The old story was that it had extra and eccentric linked hyperdrive calculators. So it found better solutions than it should, but also took longer to generate those solutions since the minds involved would argue it out.

Or likely all that well studied.

It's killing him in our household. We can only get him clip by clip.

If you really down to the personal warrants of it all I think Flat Earth stuff is fairly easy to understand.

The iconography from the period is nigh-universally of a round earth.

Thank you!