dr. strangemonkey

I'm not certain how far we can read the literal character of his commands. There's certainly an element of that, but 'take care of her' didn't receive a literal reading.

Though I sort of wonder if there are actual limitations on the degree he can do that given the limits of his power. Like he clearly very very careful has to parse things to make the sale of the home honest - is it possible for him to parse 'give me your honest opinion of me' given that the 'give' is clearly command

Ooog, I know this isn't in the spirit of your comment, but it IS really difficult to see something like this and not be a little curious about what exactly Netflix is thinking it's doing.

I don't know that the show really proves that the alternative isn't possible, just that the people trying for it may not have the resources to pull it off.

God I loved that line.

Alan Moore has a heroic character with a power somewhat like this in Top Ten. He wears a sort of mouth covering collar to prevent it's use except under circumstances and those circumstances are nearly all hostage negotiator stand down type situations. It's not done in as much detail, but I think it works.

What I also like about this is that in addition to all of these elements the show takes the fantasy seriously as well, in that Kilgrave's particularly nexus of abuse and power make it double plus convincing he would have basically no capacity for trust.

Some habits are still around.

Nuns can be chefs? Or have sisters who are chefs.

Which is how Dante did it so you know it's got legs.

The League of Women Voters - in some parts of the US - is basically the only organization I've found that reliably gets into those kinds of things.

The AV Club

Now if it were a mutant power that made someone incapable of pouring an imperfect shot of bourbon, that would be impressive.

Yeah, premed is a bunch of kids volunteering to slowly and expensively get weeded out of their dreams. This person is where they need to be.

I read about half of it (stopped due to circumstances not the book) and I thought it was well worth it. Stylish, short, and fun.

The length makes it perfect for putting on the background while you and your siblings cook for three hours and your parents get sloshed on cocktails.

It's got a long and storied history!

He's basically the McNulty of presidential candidates in terms of smartest man in the room syndrome, with all that that implies.

Ergh. Post-Black Lagoon and Donna Bowman on Firefly, I'm not sure I can deal with any existentialism annotations.

Have we… prided ourselves on that?