Dr. Stickfish

I don’t know about that, boxing didn’t really die off, it was still really popular into the mid 90's when it began to be replaced by a more fast paced even more brutal blood-sport called MMA/UFC. (also if you follow that sort of thing the drop in popularity of boxing in the last 20 years can be attributed to the

That is true, but as long as there is a lot of money available at the pro level of this sport there will be that incentive. If parents from the suburbs and the middle class start preventing their kids from playing football in school then there will just be even more kids from poor communities in the south or large

That’s an interesting idea, some may argue that kids under 15 don’t hit hard enough to cause concussion, but on the other end keeping kids in a touch only system till college might be fine seeing as most football players have to pretty much re-learn football as it is when they go to a college system...

Oh no, I will never stop, because I loves this sport too much, but I just wish there was some way for the players to get less banged up...

Yes, I remember reading about a player in the 40s? 50s? who ran into the (then iron) down and distance marker on the sideline at full clip without a helmet on and literally dying on the field... Yeesh. O.o

I guess I should have put a little caveat to the solutions, ones that don’t include the demise of the sport (yes I know a couple of my silly examples were just that, but those were mostly in jest...)

I have also heard this, and it seems plausible, like Rugby (I guess they have less injuries?) probably one of the few good solutions I have heard, but they will probably never go for it...

Well I don’t personally know any professional boxers, but neither do I know any professional football players personally... Also boxing is still around, even though people have been trying to get it banned as a sport since the 20s. Yes it’s less popular now than 50 years ago, but I attribute that more to the rise of

Yep, pretty much every average joe admits now that it’s clear brain-damage results from lots of concussions and loads more micro-concussions players collect when playing this game.

Now I kinda want a attack panther squad of my own.

Yes but the very article you linked showed other first rounders such as Mariotta, Winston and Gurly all getting offered well over 12m for 4-5 year deals, now I don’t know if Bosa has been offered that much but I could see it being close. Is that a lot of money compared to superstar veterans, of course not, but it’s

Oh how delightful it would be if the Jets big-wigs insult Fitzy enough with ultra low-ball deals that he just straight up retires. Then I could enjoy watching Geno pilot this plane straight into the ground for the whole season... :D

Because Bosa is insisting on more money than that? There have been lots of high draft picks in the past who held out before they ever set foot on the field, sounds kinda pretentious considering no one even knows how good he will be in the NFL right now...

Yes clearly playing violent videogames since I was 5 (I’m 30 now) and watching tons of violent action blockbuster films (terminator, Rambo, Indiana jones, ect...) has made me into a violent horrible person.... I have not only never tried to kill someone, I have never even gotten into a fist fight or ever struck a

That tent has goddamn picture windows, I’m totally jelly...


Was gonna say, you put a few brews in those footballs along with the chips and Rob Ryan would be all over it...

Kickers used to be garbage, also they were expected to do other stuff like being a backup QB up until the late 70s/early 80s so they had less time to focus on refining their kicking... Really though we are living in an age where your average kicker has a stronger leg and can kick farther/straighter (PED’s maybe) and

I think the league has been pushing hard to get teams to go for it on 4th more/go for 2 point conversions substantially more often, but until the uprights are 4 feet apart that will only be a slight uptick as you said... Teams just like to go with high probability plays unless they are down 4 with 20 seconds left on

It seems pretty clear that Russian athletes at the top level never stopped doping since the Steroid heavy age of the late 60s to late 80s. (of course the PED’s used these days are in general a lot less heavy-handed/potent and harder to detect with maybe the exception of in sports where they don’t drug test like