Dr. Stickfish

“This... this need that people have now for everything to be explained, every i to be crossed and t to be dotted... I just have no truck with that.”

I know the guy is good, but damn he’s been popular lately. My money’s also on him to step into the lead roll in place of Evans on TG...

Also you have to keep in mind, the shooter was claiming to have (or showed evidence of having) armed explosives on his person, if the cops had merely had the robot taze him and then they approach the shooter to cuf him and take him into custody a timer on said explosives could have counted down and possibly killed

Damn never saw that freeze frame of her silhouette before, totally looks like her, but likely just a noble gem (makes sense).

Based on the context it’s used in, I think it’s both.

Yep, British comedians and public figures have been taking good natured (and a few less than good natured) jabs at America since before the revolution, it’s not surprising nor is it some revelation that he despises the US... Don’t feel bad anyhow because he takes twice as many jabs at France and Germany...

I’m a little curious, if you like Rebecca Sugar’s work, and you like Adventure Time, and you like musical stuff in your cartoons, what exactly was it that turned you off from SU?

It’s not as complicated as that. This is a Gawker News affiliate, the “Journalists” that write articles on here just aren’t that great at using appropriate words...

This is also a huge amount of speculation, just because she was strong and influential you assume she was a diamond at one point, but Rose was a Quartz, high ranking soldiers/generals, but no Diamond. I’m sure before the rebellion she was highly regarded and had a good deal of clout but in a society so consumed with

What Lapis in “The Answer”? Are you referring to the Pearl handmaiden that was with Blue Diamond and happened to have a somewhat similar hairdo to Lapis? That was a Pearl, also there’s no way Lapis was a Diamond, regardless of how powerful her hydrokinetic powers are. That said yeah she feels a bit op, definitely

Is it crabs? I’m hoping like hell that it’s just a butt-load of crabs...

Probably a lot actually. Shocking, I know...

Clearly Harris and Rory. Eddie is just mailing in and feels lost, and Sabine is not an actor or writer or a comedian and had a hard enough time stumbling over the few lines they gave her...

“but diversity should always be on the producers’ minds”

Oh how’s about “Sworn to the Sword”, “Friend-Ship” and “An Indirect Kiss”... all the feelings...

Well you’d think that because SU is much better written, has a plot and interesting characters, but then again there are people that love their simple humor...

Welcome to Gawker media affiliates, where everyone fancies themselves a journalist regardless of how unqualified they are...

Well moreover at the time this story of the bible was written the authors had no clue just how many species of animal existed in the world and underestimated it (by a factor of thousands) nor the fact that a single breeding pair would be unable to re-populate a whole species, or the sheer size of the earth, or the

Well I only meant the Tsundere thing from the standpoint that both of them have trouble opening up about how they feel, (for different reasons) and both of them have slowly started to enjoy the company of the earthlings and maybe even each other though they may have a hard time admitting it. I really liked hit the

Glad to be of help... ;P