I don't think so, considering that homosexual relations were totes cool during feudal Japan.
I don't think so, considering that homosexual relations were totes cool during feudal Japan.
Japan has an odd take on homosexuality - on the whole, being open is really frowned upon. But if you're on TV... well, that's another story.
My adult son drinks strawberry milk.
I honestly pity people that never had Nesquik growing up with their chocolate and strawberry flavors. I can understand people drinking chocolate milk. Hell I totally get why drinking strawberry milk isn't that common. But banana milk? And I thought I heard it all. You, my friend, are the 0.001%.
P.S.-I'm not judging…
Honestly, I couldn't care less. But if I'm sitting with him in the cafeteria and he breaks out the chocolate milk in plain view of execs and shit? No
This is a classic example of hearing "OH MY GOD ARE YOU ILL? YOU LOOK AWFUL" all day when you forget to put on eyeliner.
Well something sure dampened your duvet bro. You should look into that before it gets musty.
That is an incredibly specifically descriptive gif.
Is your blanket soaked with milk or something?
Very tempted to forward this to my 31 year old colleague who still buys chocolate milk in the cafeteria at lunch. Yes. Chocolate. Milk. At 31 Like if you're going to do it at least do it in secrecy not where people you work with can see!
I think there's enough cynicism about the NYPD, in particular, that there's concern in the blogosphere.
Yup. Perfectly stated. Exactly what I thought when it happened. He's a rookie and he's got no ties to the Italian, Irish, or even black or brown community of officers.
THANK YOU. It's this part that makes me incapable of feeling sorry for Liang on any level.
Don't worry, the NYPD will let "the public" have something out of Liang.
Right? I actually find it incredibly difficult to wrap my head around such a horrifically disgusting sentence. What the ever loving FUCK?
This is amazing and was kind of exactly my experience reading the books. Yes, all three. I was bedridden with stomach flu and someone sent me the PDFs. I read the whole fucking thing and I was like WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME. These books are like some disgusting fried appetizer you get at Chilis or TGI Fridays that you…