Sweet Berry Wine!

You are pretty much describing why I ended up studying the language for 6+ years to near fluency and then immediately ran far far away from the idea of working for a Japanese company after study abroad with an internship. There is not enough money on earth.

I actually texted someone in England to send me an audio clip of themselves saying glacier...my life. I got it though.

My husband used to live and work in Japan and has stories to tell! I'm always suspicious of male japanophiles, I usually assume they're mysogynist jerks.

I am just flabbergasted. I have read about the patriarchal structures of Japanese businesses and how women are basically expected to drop out of the work force once they get married and have children, but GODDAMN. I'm seeing red on their behalf.

The thing is, I just don't buy that thing about men not "being as competent" at the admin shit as women. I've heard this a lot, and it's such a crock. Answering the phone is a simple task. So are things like opening a letter and seeing that the contents are actioned or filed appropriately. Don't even get me started on

THE FUCK?! Why were you expected to clean their bathroom in the first place?! I am legit shocked and appalled.

I can cite so many examples of this, but my favorite was the male attorney who asks me to fix the copy machine when it jams. It took me years to finally come up with the proper response, "Ray, I went to the same law school as you, and they still don't offer any office equipment repair classes."

I can't count how many times the guys (there are just two women at my office) ask about cups/tissues/paper towels over our slack channel expecting me to get up and get it for them. I tell them, its in the closet where it always is. If you are the one who used the last of it, you should be the one to replace it.

No, she isn't. She is perhaps a person who behaves pleasantly toward you personally, but nice people don't actively try to rob others or their rights. Oh, that's right- unless and until it affects her family personally. No, she doesn't get a pass on this very wrong set of actions because she holds acceptable views or

I'm just going to say this and get it over with. People hate generalizations, but, fuck it, sometimes it works for me.

Yes, we don't stomach honor killings here in the educated west. We just torment the girls until they do it themselves, you know, like good Christians.

We've become bored with children being massacred at school so why the hell not.

If she was asked to bare her breasts and did, that is not pornography.

If she was asked to bare her breasts and did, that is not pornography. Clear?

fine young men

Yeah, pretending Banks is good because she hate Iggy is like pretending Stalin was good because he hated Hitler. Obviously the scale is different, but the idea is the same.

how cute!!!!

Same thing backwards! I have an American friend who always makes me laugh by coming out with random Britishisms, which sound so, so wrong when they're not in RP. I'm giggling to myself right now just thinking of, "Jolly good!" and, "Spiffing!" in a Southern Cali accent.

No it wasn't a UK poll, if it was we would know not to vote for ourselves because most of us do not sound like Tom Hiddleston or some other weird posh guy.

The whiter the accent, the more people like it. Sorry Indian, Asian, and African accents. (I'm joking but its absolutely true.)