Sweet Berry Wine!

Depends on their motivations. I know a lot of creepy white guys who fetishize black women who go around loudly declaring how anti-racist they are. Same for creepy white women who appropriate black culture. A lot of the times declaring yourself feminist/anti-racist is ultimately a self-serving shield.

LOL See what I mean? Male "feminists" react violently to women who dare disagree with them. Thanks for proving my point.

I'm always happy to hear men espouse feminist ideals, but I am wary of them taking on the title of feminist. One, because I believe that feminism should remain primarily a woman's movement. The feminist community is a safe space for many women but I believe it will become less so if it becomes overwhelmed by male

Please continue to make it all about you. Very feminist.

The BIGGEST red flag I see on dating profiles around this is when guys say variations of "I'm a feminist so I expect you to be confident in yourself and sex-positive", because nothing's more feminist than telling women how to feel and act, right?

Any man who calls himself a feminist immediately sets off my creep alarms. I have never met a male "feminist" who wasn't a manipulative tool.

Lol simmer down there champ.

The sex cannot be consensual if she did not consent to condom-less sex. It is rape.

twist the narrative to suit their worldview

Not consensual:

I meant hurt as in rape and create child pornography. I am well aware he still has the capacity to cause physical harm.

He is also a rapist. The girl was underage and did not consent to condom-less sex. It was more than just a "sex tape."

Yeah somehow this does not upset me. It's good he won't ever be able to hurt another girl or woman.

MLP is totally the type of thing I would want my hypothetical children to be watching, but the fanbase makes me wary of getting kids into it. I've heard a few too many stories about little girls getting harassed by grown MLP fans. I guess my future kids will have to just live with Sailor Moon instead. ;-p

The very concept of a cab is fucking scary. It sucks that as women our best bet for safely traveling home at night is to enter the backseat of a locked vehicle with a strange man driving.

That's actually kind of zen and cool. Must require a ton of self-control and self-awareness. I wish I could stop myself from involuntarily smiling at stupid shit I randomly think up.

I feel bad for the creator of MLP, who created a show for little girls centered around the power of female friendship, only to see it devolve into Fluttershy fleshlights and greasy nerds creeping on young female fans. I honestly think part of the appeal of MLP for adult men is that they like "corrupting" something

From expressing porn-negative views I've been called a misogynist, a prude, mentally ill, jealous, and self-loathing. The attitude to porn on this site is so fucking sick. It's like once you criticize their porn the women here transform into angry 14 year-old boys itching to call you ugly and jelly.

What movie is that from?

Yeah it seems like a majority of children's media is actively courting the manchild market (e.g: Adventure Time, My Little Pony). Kind of depressing for kids and adults alike.