
I could see this being cool as long as you weren't required to sign up for 12 months or something. A couple times a year, movies come out around the same time. I'd pay $50 to be able to see whatever new movie was out, and I could see it again if I liked it.

true, but this girl is not doing any duckface at all. Kind of a surprise, really..

Exactly. We're in a rural area and moved over to 800mhz about a year ago. It's a system that is way too easily overloaded.

sounds like Viacom are the scumbags here. It's because of the "content producers" like them that we can't have neat stuff. In this case, CV is letting you use the iPad just like another TV in the house. Viacom is getting pissy about that?

We're still trying to convince people that San Francisco and New York =/= The Entire United States.

There's a few visible TX license plates, so hopefully the owners will be located.

Sadly, I think that a good percentage of those *are* used for spam. It's ridiculous how many resources spam takes up.

Newsflash: Many girls hide their true selves by using photograph trickery or image manipulation.

"it costs $185,000 to apply for your own domain, plus $25,000 a year for the registry." -0 thus guaranteeing that it is for corporations and the very wealthy. Lovely.

30% is not good enough for them. They want 100% and they want it right now. And the ADA allows such lawsuits, which is (sadly) why it's so ripe for abuse.

Former Apple employee here. There are quite a few Dell boxes at Apple, including monitors. Plenty of cross platform stuff to be tested, the occasional funky web app that only seems to work in Internet Explorer, etc. I had a Dell PC in my cube that had one task - log backup tapes into the offsite vendor system.

"why SF is one of the best and most beautiful cities in this country if not the world"

oh this would be great. empty clothes on a cot in the back of the ambulance. FUN. haha

In San Francisco? It'll be years, once all of the bunny huggers start hurling lawsuits around. It'll probably be up in the Dallas/Ft Worth area by the end of the year. ;-)

Sadly, I see high school kids doing that all the time. They are oblivious to the concept of bookmarks or the URL field. Everything gets typed into the search field.

What I find most annoying are things that I cannot do in bulk. IE, I cannot seem to find a way to remove all of the comments made by a user that I am not friends with anymore. Blocking them just replaces the name with "Facebook User" but the comments remain. It is a VERY time consuming process to go through and remove

Re: home automation stuff. The biggest problem that I'm running into now is that the Z-Wave light modules don't work with energy saving LED or CFL bulbs, so adding them all over the house is unlikely. As for the thermostat, I vaguely recall reading about a project that used your iPhones location to control the house

I'm in the same boat. I found Pandora repeating songs & artists way too many times and throwing really just bizarre choices in. Slacker has been great. I also like the genre based stations. Found them to be far better on Slacker. I play it to my Apple TV over AirPlay quite frequently.

Sounds great.. but as we've seen with Google TV and other Google announced services, only time will tell us whether or not they're actually going to go anywhere or if it'll just wind up a cute little geek toy that few "regular users" bother with.