
@EpiphyteCorp.: Oh. Sorry about that, then. ;) But the book charts really do paint another picture. The 'outside of SF' point is a true one.. bookstores in SF are either refusing to stock the book or have it practically hidden away. These are the same people that raised a stink about that alleged "books banned by

@EpiphyteCorp.: Just wanted to point out that "Going Rogue" is #1 on the New York Times best seller list. It's also in the top to at USA Today, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and pretty much every other book retailer outside of San Francisco.

My wife has been using our Sirius internet streaming subscription for 8+ hours a day for two years now. She listens to Sirius going to/from work, and listens to it at home while getting ready for work. (She takes about an hour to get ready in the morning) She also spends about an hour a day on the phone.

Wal-Mart actually did this a few years ago. Their goal is to use 100% renewable energy to power all of their stores.

They're not that hard to find. Fry's & Wal-Mart still carry them. I just saw a new model combo VHS + DVD player unit the other day.

@HighOctaneX: You want to buy both. Help support the economy. Buy a whole bunch of stuff. Besides, the more blinkinglites you have on your media shelf, the better. Right? :D

@Mark Cormack: Google for "ie4osx" - you can do just that. :)

@Yerzriknot: Probably because it made a small and easy way to demonstrate the application. :-)

@416Hammy: well.. we use Skype rather often, and it's fantastic with other FIOS users. It's the cross-country Skype calls to folks with Comcast or old DSL packages that are problematic. (I think Comcast's 'speedboost' garbage is actually getting in the way...hard to tell) We did have a fun chat with a friend that was

@bucho54: Although it looks like I was wrong about that 0 figure. (and am now being called a troll - but when do you have trolls admit they were wrong?)

@exoren22: Not trolling at all.

@ssoltero: Although if it was 300 deaths over 17 years from firearms, we'd have public advocacy groups and calls for more firearm bans. (Actually, few children die in firearm accidents - when you eliminate homicide and gang activity, firearms aren't even on the top 10 child killer list.)

True verifiable fact: More children are killed by falling television sets than by allergic reactions to peanuts. (CDC, NIH, CSC stats. The number of fatal anaphylactic reactions to peanuts over the past decade: 0 recorded.)

@blash: "except maybe compatibility with 3rd party devices?" ... I hate to tell you, but that's a pretty big deal to some people. ;)

@damon001: Actually, AT&T Wireless was a separate company from the parent AT&T. It was a confusing mess. ;-)