With this story I think it’s ironic that Chidi said that in response to Eleanor saying she was very good at her job.
With this story I think it’s ironic that Chidi said that in response to Eleanor saying she was very good at her job.
I also love the revelation that while the armorer kept the weapons under lock and key (standard practice) she admitted that multiple people had access to it...which defeats the whole purpose of your job as armorer.
And for that statement alone, she should never again be employed as a firearms expert. Because it was her goddamn job to know, and someone was killed as a result.
I mean, Adam Brody says this very wise and true thing, and yet my gut tells me we’re two years tops away from an Entourage reboot
I fucking love REM and this album is one of its more underrated efforts.
I actually really like most of the post-Bill Berry REM albums, but part of me wishes New Adventures had been their final album simply because it has the perfect sign off: “I’m not scared. I’m outa here.”
I swear, with every new headline this story just keeps getting worse.
I think REM acquitted themselves pretty well in the final third of their career. I’d say, aside from the dire Around the Sun, each record had some really good high points, with the final two being VERY solid records.
If any part of you is “grinning,” I think you’re the complete asshole in this situation.
People spent a lot of time wondering about Cecily, Kate, Kenan, Aidy, but Beck leaving SNL is actually a sneaky big loss. He’s essentially been SNL’s glue guy during his tenure. A consistently solid performer that makes every sketch he’s in work. He was in the mold of Phil Hartman/Jason Sudekis where they may not be th…
until we ultimately got to meet the owner of the yellow umbrella, Tracy (Cristin Milioti)—only for her to be killed off and for Ted to reunite with Robin.
“WhY dOeSn’T sHe JuSt LeAvE hIm?”
I really, really enjoyed this episode. Enveloping the real world into the sitcom antics is a great use of the format.
That’s a fun theory, but seems like a great emotional beat to not reveal in a finale slightly lacking in personal stakes.
It left us wanting more. I am a little skeptical of the introduction of Kang here, because he has to be re-introduced elsewhere (possibly multiple times) and I can’t tell if he is going to be a Thanos grade villain or a Baron Zemo recurring villain (because the MCU has learned to keep its villains alive finally), and…
one advantage of watching on D+ was being able to skip past the credits right to the post-credits scene.
I mean that’s how it’s gonna go. She’ll confront him, he’ll say something like “Finally” and go down on his knees to die, setting up a Yelena v. Kate fight where by the end they are at least mutually respectful of each other.
I fully picture Yelena yelling at Clint about how it should have been him instead of Natasha, and Clint just being like... yeah, no disagreement here.
Watched it. Loved it.
Ditto. I leaned over and happily yelled, “She got a big puppy!” to no one in particular, causing two of my cats to huffily leave the room. Moments later, I tried to call them back by following it up with, “She got a big Julia Louis-Dreyfus!”, but it was too little, too late. They’re Costanza fans.