
The ocean is for winners! You’re for tools!

There’s no other reason to watch Kick Ass besides Hit-Girl. I’m trying to imagine the movie without her in it and I can’t because she was the movie. Give her a spin off!

Sophie is right.

Social media basically is Disick’s job.

I’ve already been called a grandma once today, but it’s no Britney and Justin

Go, Sophie.

#sponcon. Essentially the modern day equivalent of “so-and-so slept/ate/fucked/whatever here.” Have enough social media visibility, followers, and desperate businesses and you too can get your vacations/dinners/hair care/skin care/etc for free as long as you make glowing and properly tagged/handled social media posts

Who else is having flashbacks to last election when we were all in the comments like “wtffffffff”

She was so good in that role and actually young. I’ve watched both Kick-Ass’s because of her.

Poor Chloë Grace Moretz, every time I hear about her relationships I can’t help but think of a group of assholes from New York who were going to a party at Yale on metro north. They were talking about their plans to take over Ethiopia with a suitcase full of cocaine, and their plans to foil various warlords by blaming

I hate the ocean. It’s for tools!

remembering that kevin spacey is in Baby Driver, one of my favorite movies of 2017, tainting it forever: D:

Beat me to it, Gella. I’m starting to think that playing Frank Underwood wasn’t too much of a stretch for him either. No wait, I always thought that playing Frank Underwood wasn’t too much of a stretch for him.

Apparently Kevin Spacey was a bit of a bully on the Baby Driver set, too.

Nicole Kidman is a reverse selkie and sometimes can’t control herself

I will forever think of Chloe Grace Moretz as Jack Donaghy’s greatest nemesis on 30 Rock. May Kaylie Hooper and Brooklyn Beckham be the world’s most angsty teen couple.

But - and I don’t know you, jmyoung123, so I could be wrong - I THINK that if you were president you might refrain from dinnertime shenanigans, at least in foreign countries.

I don’t like sushi, but I’ve been to Japan twice, and I tried sushi at least (still don’t like it). Also had some tempura which was amazing. My point is, YES, you can travel to nearly any country and get your goddamn comfortable American food but why the hell would you? Oh, because you’re a tiny-handed whiner? Okay

“while in Japan, Trump eschewed world-class sushi” 

Yeah, that part wasn’t a direct quote. It was a joke.