
Did someone tell that shitstain that the reason it’s taking forever to approve stem cell research is the anti-choice puss bags who value embryos and fetuses first, guns second (or maybe it’s the other way around), and people who have been born not at all?

Mamas, don’t let your babies grow up to be this kind of person and/or the kind of person that fraternizes with this kind of person.

At least 75% of adult men can grow a beard. Aspire higher.

He looks like a prize cunt without the captions reinforcing the fact that he is indeed a prize cunt.

Great, now my eyes have chlamydia.

The women in these pictures make me sad.

Getting stem cell infusions in Panama. Mel’s 99 year old father was being pushed into the stem cell clinic by a nurse in a wheelchair and a month later he put the nurse in the wheelchair and pushed her around. It can cure autism, knee/shoulder/spinal injuries, multiple sclerosis, and the list goes on. Sucks that

I just turned to my brand spanking new, bearded husband, and said “I love you cause you’re not a sexist asshole. and you have sexy beard.”

He and his lunatic anti-Semite father are not just Catholic, they’re Opus fucking Dei—like Taliban Catholic. But they’re using stem cells?!? I guarantee they think women who abort an embryo are murderers. Fucking hypocrites. apparently they don’t mind using the stem cells from the victims though.

What a piece of shit he is.

What is Mel, I’m a fucking Catholic, Gibson hanging out in a stem cell clinic. I thought they were all dead set against this!

I think I would watch that in preference to this show.

I saw Ritter and Lynskey at the Glendale Whole Foods a few months ago. They were adorably inspecting fresh bread at the bakery.

Sorry, the child of *John* Ritter. Kinja is being delightfully buggy and won’t allow me to edit my comment.

Wow, this sounds surreally terrible. I only know Ritter from his frequent re-enacting gigs on Drunk History (and as the child of Jason Ritter, because I’m Gen X and grew up watching Three’s Company on an endless loop), but he’s great in it.

They truly don’t conceptualize it that way though. They don’t understand that it’s not a clear yes/no answer.

I had a pharmacology professor say “it doesn’t matter if something is 99% safe if you’re the other 1%”. If you have an adverse reaction, if your love one dies/ends up in a coma/etc, nobody cares about how safe it is for someone else.

And your tolerance for the risk might be higher or lower than mine! Who the hell am I to say that a 20% risk of dying is acceptable for you!?

Once again, for emphasis.