
Me too! I bought Wildflowers and Dookie by Green Day, and the cashier at Tower Records admired my eclectic taste, saying “That’s like buying Dylan and the Sex Pistols together.” And I giggled, because he said “sex” and I was 11.

Hahah me too. I remember it would come on MTV when I’d be alone in the living room and I’d haul ass into the kitchen to “watch/not watch”. But that was also sorta magical, great tune and that mysterious video. The part with the cake cutting....fuck!

Angel Dream (No. 4) is one of my all-time favorite songs, by Mr. Petty or anyone. I’m glad you posted this because it’s a hugely underrated record. And I’m so sorry about your husband... he had amazing taste in music, and isn’t that what REALLY counts in a life partner?

Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks

Fellow crap human being here who agrees with everything you just said, especially Prince being on fire during this one. It’s just so hard to see them playing side-by-side now.

Man all of these Tom Petty video postings are just reminding me that I like every Tom Petty song.

This video scared the shit outta me when I was a kid (although I like the song). I actually just listened to it with the video opened in another tab so I wouldn’t have to look at it lol

I do not particularly care for the original version of this song (I know, I’m a crap human being) but, goddamn, this one was and remains amazing. It’s just perfection. And of course Prince is on fire.

I’ve been in the classroom all day so I’ve been able to avoid media but I feel like anvil hit me on the head now

Same just cried at my desk into a gym shirt like a loser.

God, I loved this video. GOD DAMN THIS.

Now playing

Mourning Petty’s death here in his home state of Florida. Fuck, this really sucks.

Man, he was the BEST kind of weird. Last one out don’t forget to shut out the lights.

I met him when I was still working in a hotel. He was super sweet, great tipper and really laid back. RIP Tom Petty.

I didn’t realize how deeply I was avoiding fully feeling the shock and loss of the Las Vegas terrorist until I queued up some Petty and now can’t stop crying at my desk at work. It’s too much today. It’s too fucking much today.

I am blaring the fuck outta Petty and trying not to cry. He was one of my most memorable concerts ever. Such an amazing memory that’s even more special now. :( RIP Mr. Petty.

Even more bad news on an already tragic day. I was fortunate enough to see him in July and I took my then four year old. My little one fell in love with “Free Falling” and he will request it now almost daily because it’s one of his favorite songs.

JFC you guys. Today fucking sucks.