
The amount of time that affair continued, along with the lengths he went to to cover it up tell me one thing: He won’t stop. He sounds messed up. You sort of have to be to carry something on like that for so long. My husband carried on a affair for a long time and eventually came clean to me. He also has some

LW3: whatever it is you may be getting out of this arrangement, it’s not a real, healthy relationship if you have to walk on eggshells with her the whole damn time. Set yourself free and find someone who loves you and doesn’t act like a caged animal.

“I’ll take What The Ephron for $200.”

Yeah she pretty much needs to get hardcore. And fast.

Ughhh, I hate this whole “destroy your performers to achieve perfection” aesthetic that’s so en vogue right now. I’d bet money it’s a fad that grew directly out of our ability to CGI anything to absurd degrees— “real” pain as some kind of fetish viewing. It’s abuse, plain and simple.

Add me to that lot.

Super glad I’m not the only one whose mind went to the wrong diaphragm.

so, she’s pregnant?

Did you see him in his “Everwood” years? No way he hasn’t been getting attention and good puss since he was a pre-teen. Those types get “chubby” because they know they can get away with it and still get love and attention.

In a way you’re proving her point—it’s good to have both, in case one or the other (hopefully not both) let you down.

Because that would mean you’re teaching them a real skill. If you do that how will you be able to blame them when they still can’t find work because even the President’s daughter gets her stuff made in China?

He can’t Russia has him on a guaranteed deal through 2024.

I know Trump can’t read good but it’s CALF. Golden CALF, not Golden coin, God he can’t even get sacrilegious idols right!

$11 an hour?!? They wish.

Maybe they are just trying to capitalize on the “Millennials Need A Medal For Every Fucking Thing” complaint that they invented and are always complaining about.

At least those were good for Frogger.

Sorry I am a little slow. What is the purpose of this? Souvenirs?

.... Of all the crafts in the world that could be parlayed into something lucrative and taught in an apprenticeship, they picked medals. Medals? MEDALS?!? WHAT?

You are killing me Hannah. This is truly the darkest timeline.