
Hannah - Thank you for dropping names in the bulleted section.

Christian Bale is an automatic no for me though. I just can’t with him.

To accurately portray Cheney, he had to have his soul removed and replaced with cold, icy darkness. That can’t be good for you.

I can barely talk about Bojack with anyone because it hits me so hard. I just tell people to watch it if they can handle a talking animated horse living in an alternate universe of humans and animals making bad decisions causing you to question your entire self-worth over and over. But I watch that shit alone.

Nick shows were way better than Disney shows.

I’ve never understood why Faye hates this movie and refuses to talk about it publicly. I liked it!!

I remember Sam Rockwell in that movie but forgot Steve Carrell was in it. I really liked that one but I’m pretty much guaranteed to like any move Sam Rockwell is in. Shit, I even liked Mr Right with him & Anna Kendrick & I usually hate romantic comedies.

Sam Rockwell is going to be W? That is PERFECT casting, I always thought his Zaphod was a rockstar version of W.

After watching Vincent D’Onofrio on Daredevil, I feel he would be perfect to play Cheney.

That’s his entire schtick. He gains/loses a bunch of weight and everyone is really impressed and he’s just sort of there in the movie.

Wouldn’t it be funny if Bale just took times of fatter and fatter people? Like he decided “working out is hard, and Oliver Platt will drop dead soon. And someone has to take those roles that were supposed to go to Philip Seymour Hoffman”

She can bench press 233336 wire hangers.

Oh, and I spilled his french fries and he wasn’t even mad.

She’s never sounded more like Madonna Dearest.

Also, isn’t there an actor out there who is a). closer to Cheney’s age (or at least closer to say, 60) and b). looks a TAD BIT more like Cheney than Bale does?

Carell was in a movie “The way way back “ which does qualify him as serious actor.

I really worry about actors/actresses who undergo extreme bodily changes for roles. SURELY with the wonder of CGI and practical measures (like, say, prosthetics and body suits), this could be avoided if you still really want to cast a particular person in a role. This isn’t even the first time Bale has done

Look out for Feud Season 3: Drake and Josh to hit screens this fall!!!

I keep seeing coverage of them here. I still don’t know who they are, and I hope I never find out.

Steve Carell is a highly underrated serious actor.

Honestly, I think Bale only looks bad if you’re comparing him to his Batman prime. Otherwise, he just looks like a regular guy on the street...and that’s okay!