
This is amazing and so heartening to read. I hope the turnout is bigger than expected.

Except these checkpoints will also snare documented immigrants (possibly even naturalized citizens) because during an emergency evacuation, sometimes you misplace papers while fleeing for your life.

Yes. The traffic jam alone is reason enough to close the checkpoints.

maybe infinite scrolling isn’t such a bad thing....

maybe infinite scrolling isn’t such a bad thing after, because here’s the first comment under this article from my perspective.

Oh my God, I totally forgot about that! *opens up spotify*

Another fun fact: her family also can’t pronounce my western name (like, at all). So, in keeping with the Chinese manner of giving names, my partner came up with a Chinese version of my name that:

I will forever love her version of Prince’s Love Thy Will Be Done.

It’s pretty common trope to compare love to addiction in songs, so that makes sense! Also the video was about her falling in love with that sketchy dude and she ditches her Catholic schoolgirl uniform and cuts her hair. Holy crap I remember way too much about this song.

I’m in a similar situation. Fun fact! In Chinese families, the wife doesn’t usually take the husband’s family name.

I think in my former lovelorn haze I assumed she was talking about unrequited love. Reading the lyrics as a sort of grown up, it makes more sense now!

It may have been cocaine? I don’t remember. But it’s definitely about addiction:

Fellow super old here. I love that song too! And I had no idea it was about heroin addiction. I need to get out of the house more. :)

OK so I’m super old, but does anyone else remember Martika? She went from being cute on Kids Incorporated and then came out with Toy Soldiers, a song about heroin addiction. I still love that song. Maybe not so much“naughty” but she certainly went from light to dark.

“Hot Topic” was my first thought on seeing that font.

Fuck you for unwittingly starting the trend of naming kids “Wokebae.”

Texas: Where stopping one illegal immigrant is worth risking hundreds of citizens lives.

Huh. Both this and Katy’s Swish Swish are both Paris is Burningy vougey sounding. Which is probably why I like the chorus, which is not the popular opinion here but...hey I liked Swish Swish better than anything else Katy did so, whatever.

The track sounds like “I’m so sexy” and the trivial lyrics don’t resonate with the times. It’s tone deaf literally and figuratively. Lana Del Rey help her out. Also It’s hard to believe Taylor is older than me. She comes off like a petulant teenager. It took her this long to write this response?