I am not clicking that video.
I am not clicking that video.
Macron is getting his money’s worth. He always looks great. Apparently Francois Hollande paid €1,000/ month more yet always looked a mess.
I can’t feel too sorry for the French. At least Macron manages to look like a professional and an adult at the end of that. You know, instead of resembling a sack of mangos stuffed into an ill-fitting $50 Walmart suit, the way certain other heads of state do.
$9,400 a month on makeup
We’ve all had some major Sephora/Ulta binges, right?
I’m gonna curve that Avatar/Titanic bait just to quickly applaud this very good True Lies take. That is still a damn entertaining movie.
Yeah, who says only “gritty” female characters are worthy? (Well apparently James Cameron, but we all know he’s full of shit and only likes his own stuff...)
A tank top and NO BRA
nope sorry pretty sure that only one female lead character is allowed in film at a time
Hotter take:
And uh, those girls are both white. And almost 40 years apart. Shit, I am old!
The business of Hollywood IS objectification. So I don’t know why he’s acting like he’s telling truth to power when his whole career has been based on it as much as anyone else’s.
What he’s missing is that it doesn’t have to be Wonder Woman OR Sarah Connor— we can have BOTH. They’re completely different women, because there isn’t just one type of woman, and the idea that we can only have one archetype of feminist icon is fucking stupid.
James Cameron, a man to whom I turn regularly for his opinions, has offered his very hot take on Wonder Woman and feminism. Would you like to hear it?
remember when ben carson removed brain surgeon from consideration as a basis for intelligence?
I wouldn’t exactly co-sign that, Jujy. A friend of mine is one and last year at a convention we lost the top to a handle of Captain Morgan while partying poolside in Vegas. What does genius over there do? Try to drink what is left in the bottle otherwise it will go bad. That was about 3 am and we didn’t hear from him…
I really do value someone who can keep me warm at night. I get so cold!
I don’t listen to HAIM very much, but when I do it’s almost always this soothing cover:
I thought that too. If they’re going to come forward and make these allegations, they deserve to know that there aren’t any qualifications or hoops they need to jump through — just saying “I believe you” is a powerful three-word statement.
Brie Larson does seem to be an advocate for women - see her disdain for Casey Affleck, so I expect she’d have made a fuss if she knew what was going on. She’s a pretty big name now, so hopefully her condemnation will force Cinefamily’s hand to get rid of those two assholes.