
I’m sure he’ll do well in prison- the non-nazi inmates probably won’t give him too hard of a time for posting a video of him bawling his eyes out and being afraid of being arrested, and the nazis will certainly appreciate how sincere and in touch with his emotions he is.

Good. I hope his buddies and nazi leaders waste lots of their own money on his stupid legal defense and shit.

It should be named Falwell. The whole fucking town owned by the family. Lived there for a year, and the Moose lodge was more tolerant than the Falwell owned movie theater.

If it looks horrible on Anna Kendrick, there’s no hope for the rest of the normal population to pull it off

This has the potential to be terrible or fantastic.

Cue all the mommy bloggers saying, “No one will admit it but Anna Kendrick’s character is based on me.”

this is EXACTLY the kind of think my wife washes down with a glass of Pinot after a long day at work.

If not for the big names attached, I would assume this is some Lifetime nonsense. That I would definitely watch.

“Maybe I have overlearned the lesson of staying calm, biting my tongue, digging my fingernails into a clenched fist, smiling all the while, determined to present a composed face to the world.”

Every woman who’s ever been sexually assaulted - or FEARED an imminent sexual assault - knows this feeling. And we all know the second guessing of ourselves that follows. I have a TON of criticism on HRC as a candidate but THIS is not among them. You do what you can, when you can and you gotta trust & believe you did

I don’t know that I’ll ever get the above scene out of my head. There she is, prepared, collected, serving her A-game, and he’s literally stalking her around the stage like the most obvious, most petulant 8 year old bully of a boy on the playground.

ten years ago would you have guessed that two of the most important people in comedy would be Scott Aukerman and Chris Hardwick? It’s amazing what they have done.

Now playing

We’ve all been there. You either put up with slimy creep making you feel uncomfortable and hate yourself for tolerating his bullshit later. Or, you make a scene and have everyone tell you to lighten up because having the rampant sexism in our society pointed out makes people uncomfortable. It isn’t polite to demand to

She would have been ripped apart if she’d responded to him, from Hannity to Haberman. It would have been evidence of her terrible temperament, unfitness for office, hidden wasting disease, sociopathy, etc. etc. She couldn’t win, there was no good choice.

I heard someone call a group of his supporters “the 5th avenue crowd”. As in they are the ones that would have stood by him if he shot someone on 5th avenue.

I do not doubt for one nanosecond that her skin crawled. Even from the safety of my office, just thinking about having that thing breathing on me is making my skin crawl. I was trying not to wonder about details like what 45*-breath would smell like, but then I realized that a better (by which I obviously mean

The linked article suggests he signed onto be an executive producer but they had a falling out shortly after. So, he never had active involvement.

“Executive Producers” can have very little to do with the finished product. Like “I negotiated this credit in exchange for introducing the right people” or “I put up some money in the first 6 months of this project”

He’s listed as an “executive producer”. This is often a fluff non-work title that actors and celebrities get tagged on for barely any involvement, but gives the show marketability and credibility. Some shows have people listed as executive producers who had no input outside of a few meetings 1-2 years before the show