
Thank you Damon!! I’ve seen countless stories of people expressing how they’re sorry ONLY NOW that they voted for him.

I don’t believe nan one of the “Trumpologists”. These same mofos will still vote for him to be elected to a second term under the guise of: “He can only get better.” 

But our calculation was that a few cringe-inducing tweets were an acceptable trade-off for a successful governing agenda.

To be fair, I’d trust the guy that sold used cars to put himself thru med school before Orange Shitler.

“This movie is going to suck!”
“Ick it’s going to be directed by Michael Bay!”
“The trailer was really lackluster.”
“Two opening day tickets please!”
“That movie sucked! I want a refund!”

Fuck you Trump voters. You can eat the shit you voted for.

Being a fat white dude wearing a trucker hat was enough to convince them he was one of them.

What is further frustrating about an article like Klien’s is there is a nonchalant approach to his epiphany. As if he was blind before, and now he can see. That’s wonderful but.............

People have told me they liked his plans on X or how his platform supported Y... but none have actually been able to say how the hell he’s going to do it.
Because he doesn’t know, they don’t know and it’s not going to fucking happen. He offered simple platitudes, plain promises and rather than going “How are

All I heard for months was “real Americans’ from the “Heartland of America” were sick of “coastal Elites” & Hollywood telling them how to vote & how their values weren’t respected. Well take it from a NYC native, when a New Yorker tells you someone is full of shit you need to listen. He is despised in his “hometown.”

A tacky AF golden tower.

It is bonkers to me that a many-times-over millionaire who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, brags about his Ivy League education, spent his life in liberal elite NYC AND has a long-ass history of just straight up not paying people he hired became the spokesperson for the working class. Just complete insanity.

...Even as he himself did all those things... This is one thing I especially don’t get about Trump supporters: they think he’s a champion of the poor.

Unless these people are friends with Doc Brown and can borrow the Delorean, they can shut the fuck up. “He tells it like it is!”. Yes and after a bunch of strokes, so did my nana.

Yeah, right. They will rationalize that too.

Must be nice for Republicans to have zero accountability for the policies the GOP has been pushing for decades that helped lead to an outrageous chucklehead being elected. Just blame it on Trump, not our completely fucked up ideology! Don’t look behind the curtain!

I’m not buying it, they voted for a racist asshole because they are racist assholes but they don’t want everyone else to know it and now there is no “maybe”. Bidenesque gaffes????? WTF!!!!

I would say “I told you so” to all of these epiphany-havin jackasses, but I think a “Man, fuck outta my face” is more apt right now.

If he was in a Who cover band, the song would be called “Will Get Fooled Again.”

In a couple of years a lot of his voters will swear on a stack of bibles they never voted for him.

I would hope their regret is great enough to avoid voting for him a second time.