This through-fabric technology is really high-tech stuff. How do they even imagine these things?!
This through-fabric technology is really high-tech stuff. How do they even imagine these things?!
Looks like it’s a hoop earring. Which of course is a totally new thing that definitely never existed.
The cousin of one of my prior colleagues is married to a Pence. I meant to get her to dish before she left our workplace, but totally forgot. Still kicking myself over that.
Seldom have I been more conflicted than I am at this moment, when I find myself thinking “good job, Arnold.”
When The Terminator is way more thoughtful and articulate than the President of the US, you know things are fucked up indeed.
You go, Susan Bro. She’s well aware that this man doesn’t give a flying rat’s fuck about her or her murdered daughter so no mealy-mouthed capitulation for her.
If you can’t remember which towel is yours, remembering which charm you picked is probably gonna be a problem too...just sayin’. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
During. The. Funeral.
“The call — the first call looked like actually came during the funeral. I didn’t even see that message,” she said of Trump’s initial call, which she had missed.
In his head it probably played out like a movie with Ms Bro stopping the funeral and telling everyone to be quiet so they could all huddle around the phone adoringly listenening to Trump
Schwarzenegger was a Republican governor at the moment where, if he were a man of principle and strength and empathy, probably could have managed to save some aspect of the Republican party from itself. But he, like so many other supposedly “moderate” Republicans, spent the first decade of this century following the…
DOes anyone in this administration know how to do like, the barest of the bare minimum to at least look like decent human beings? It’s not that hard.
As you note, Arnold has never been what one might call a progressive. He has some pretty toxic beliefs, in my opinion. So for someone like him to make a video like this speaks volumes about just how messed up things are in the US right now. I’m gonna go ahead and say something I never thought I would say: “well done,…
I also think that and his people are so clueless that they didn’t think until the last minute, “Oh, shit, maybe we should try to call her and say something,” hence the frantic calls in a row.
Also then later he called it a disgusting lie to say there were NOT parallels between her daughter and nazis. I can’t imagine why she wouldn’t want to talk to him after that.
Of course he called her during the funeral. Either he was too dumb to realize that much of the country was busy watching the funeral on TV or he intentionally called during that time so he didn’t actually have to talk to her.
She may be impervious to the two weapons Trump has against women near his own age: divorcing them and getting a Russo-Assangian alliance to hack into their systems.
My friend worked for Mike Pence in his congressional office. She dislikes Pence but really hates Mother. It is her story to tell (I’m trying to get her to tell it) but let’s just say that Mother likes to scold other women who do not meet her ideal of proper Mike Pence female underlings. The office environment was…
I understand that rules and laws no longer have any meaning in the Trump administration, but isn’t this kinda, sorta, a violation of the emoluments clause?
The goal is to eliminate having to wash towels every day because no one knows which towel is theirs.