
This may be the one and only time I get to feel like I am original, then! I like tattoos on other people, but I have a terribly low pain threshold, and I have never liked a design enough to brave that pain. Now that I am in my mid thirties, I probably never will - and I am ok with that.

It’s streaming on the CW’s Seed, if I remember right. If you have a Roku (maybe even an Amazon Fire TV stick), you should be able to get that app for free.

TWO good things. If y’all haven’t dashed to Paschal’s in Terminal B for a meat & three, you haven’t lived.

Yeah - my grandmother lives in Center Point. I’ve been trying to convince her to move, but she is not having it right now. Stubborn, thy name is tiny southern granny.

That will definitely be their excuse. It’s not that bad, though. Really, it’s not....though I suppose those two Missouri “Bonnie and Clyde” idiots had everyone unnerved.

There are some good parts of the town, and it’s trying to come back. It’s got a long way to go, though - and it’s not helped by the intense, unreasoning gun love.

Tonighttonighttonight! I will actually be staying up to watch this one live...and then streaming again tomorrow....

Irondale (also known as the home of the Whistle Stop Cafe) is the next town over from my hometown. I am so fucking full of rage about this that I can’t see straight (possibly because my sister just had a baby and lives with my parents, who do have guns). Parents, grandparents, friends of friends, fucking lock up your

Same here! The outside world is relentless in its attempts to murder me (mold, dust mites, pollen, ragweed, etc.), but a trifecta of regular shots, Claritin, and nasal spray help keep me from needing to buy my very own bubble.

Itchy wool sweaters with the scratchy tags.

I really don’t want to have to see any of them naked, so....clothes can come in with them, but we can make them really uncomfortable clothes.

I could maybe read the book then - thanks! I love the original - it’s in my blood as a former English major. I’ll hold off on the movie until someone can tell me if my wimpy self can handle the visuals. Monday’s X-Files was too gory for me - I had to watch through my hair! (Yep, I’m a huge wimp.)

Makes me wonder if Torrid will do a version, just like they did with the Orphan Black-inspired clothes. I may own the Cosima dress myself (ok, and the scarf too...).

It was apparently a pretty popular book: it was #3 on the NYTimes bestseller list when it was published. I haven’t and won’t read it, though, mostly because I am too much of a wimp for zombie gore. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pride_and….

He makes damn good music. I saw him open for Jason Isbell a few months ago, and he’s even better live than on the album.

Now playing

Here again for Miranda Lambert’s new dude. She is winning in the rebound sweepstakes, y’all.

I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s lovely that she had such a positive impact on you and on others.

I suspect they’ll go to Pensacola Bible College. They’ll be fine...or as fine as anyone who goes to PBC can be, poor kids.

I didn’t scroll down far enough to see your comment before I posted mine. God, I love that movie.

Ruby Rose made a Romy & Michele reference. She is my people.