
From a journalism perspective, he’d likely be classified as a limited public figure, famous only within the context of the magazine. Since this case deals with the magazine, he should be considered a public figure for it. (Legal folks, feel free to correct/amend me here. It’s been a while since I’ve done this!)

It’s an excellent example of Streisand effect, isn’t it?

I resisted Uggs for so damn long, but now I live up north AND I NEED THEM. Because they’re warm and cozy and it’s bloody cold here. Give me my damn potato sack shoes and shush if you don’t have poor blood circulation. Phew. This rant brought to you by every shoe-related argument I’ve had with my husband (and myself,

Sub Reba’s “Fancy” (which is hard as hell to sing, btw) for the Sara Evans, and you pretty much have my karaoke repertoire. Ladies of ‘90s country just GET ME, Y’ALL.

Oh, my dog, for those of us who want to pet ALL THE PETS when tipsy, this would be delightful, expensive, and THE BEST IDEA EVER.

I was heartbroken for Joey. It was a tough time for him - his wife, who is a fantastic copy editor, had been laid off a year or so before by AMG in that first swath of layoffs. They are both dedicated to journalism, to mentoring young journalists, and to protecting animals. I was glad to see them both land on their

You’re not thinking I’m condoning them, I hope. This was stupid - and terrifying for that poor homeowner. I do think of this as being somewhat different from the actions of the other Peeping Tom mentioned in the article, though. This idiot could possibly learn from his experience and become a more compassionate

That’s because they fired the others who would! Archibald is FANTASTIC - so much so that I have to wonder if he’s on the next “to-be-fired” list. The people who run AMG should be ashamed for decimating The Birmingham News. (Full disclosure: I have a few old friends who used to work there...)

Yeah, I’d seen that AL.com article the day before this article was posted - and AL.com is not exactly a bastion of journalism these days.

Agreed. Given the town, which is heavily white and well-off, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a bit of “affluenza” (ugh) at work here.

I watched it for the first time last year. It is, indeed, glorious.

Sorry, y’all, it was just a teen pranking a neighbor...

We know of at least Kylie Jenner, who was underage at the time they began dating. That’s the very reason you know of this guy, because he was interested in an underage girl. Granted, I don’t know of others off the top of my head, but I can’t imagine she was the first.

Drawer potato with creepy, creepy eyes that have been growing for a year.

I do very much remember the discussion here on those articles, and the majority of the regular Jezebel commenters were equally disgusted with Tyga then. At any rate, the “everyone else was doing it!” excuse is a terrible one to claim when it comes to victim blaming, especially when said victim is 14.

Let’s not pretend that Tyga doesn’t have a history with underage girls. And let’s not call this a “sex scandal.” It’s grooming, plain and simple.

Oh, Alan Tudyk, my crush on you continues despite that role.

Y’all, I just came here to say that Miranda Lambert’s whatshisname is super pretty in person and one hell of a musician. She has excellent taste in rebounds.

Agreed on the yoga! I slacked on it this past semester, and I can really tell the difference. This was my roughest semester of teaching in YEARS.

“Teach like your hair is on fire.” God, I love that.