
Thirded. Between those candles and the ones from Glade, I want to die every time I go to my parents' house. Candles do not eliminate cigarette smoke, no matter what my mom thinks. Ugh! The scents both companies use are already guaranteed to give me the worst headaches I've ever known, too. I've banned all YC/Glade

I suspect a lot of us would have similar stories. My parents were friends with a lesbian couple when I was abut 5-6 (this was in the 80s). Gina & Marlo went on vacation with us and my grandmother was horrified because "think of little aspatria!" I just thought of it as more adults to witness my awesomeness. I didn't

Lived there for 4 years, and I'm more surprised that it wasn't the Fox station. This apology sounds like it was written by Mark Mathis (especially considering the all-capsy yelling).

Hee. I hear you on that one. You are completely rocking them :)

At one point, Target had a similar, slightly lower pair. They were super adorable. Not sure if they're still in stores, though.

They say, OH MY GOD, aspatria needs us. That's what they say. Freakin' adorable, even if I would never wear heels that high. I just want to look at the pretty.


I love that use of the clothes! I wish I'd thought of that - my Ken doll would have looked way better in those than in the sad shiny blue (with gold piping) shorts that he came with.

Chiming in to agree w/silverswan - most people have a slight difference in shoe size. I'm pretty sure that I'm in your boat with the 6.5/6 variation. That's already tough enough. A lot of manufacturers aren't making shoes that small anymore - they're starting with a 7 :(

Jinx! Damn, I should have scrolled down further. I'm in love with Gap Outlet flats, too. I have one pair in a soft metallic color that I've had for probably 4 years. I've worn them in rain and throughout the summer, and they are just now falling apart. I'm dreading having to replace them :(

I almost exclusively wear ballet flats, and I'm a shortie. You know who has surprisingly cute, comfortable, and crazy cheap ballet flats? Gap Outlet. Not Gap, Gap Outlet. Most of them have a pretty decent insole, and they have a low vamp, which is nice for people with small feet/shorter legs. Plus, regular price

Drat - I was hoping they were some specialty in a tiny Midwest town (or even Mt. Olive, NC, home of the Pickle Festival!), and I could con my husband into a road trip.

I suspect I would dig pickle and waffle fritters. Are those really a thing, and where can I find them?

I'm going to add that he's very intent on his partner - he always seems into/enthusiastic about her and making sure she is comfortable & enjoying herself (whatever they happen to be doing). It's wayyyy different than most standard porn dudes.

Something by L.M. Montgomery, I hope? ;) Good lord, that's a long bridge to run. It would be beautiful, though.

Take along $40 or so to get off the island. That Confederation Bridge is gorgeous, but the toll is a little pricey.

Haha! I bought the raspberry cordial too! I think I still have the empty bottle somewhere. And you're right, PEI is gorgeous all on its own, even without the Anne-girl goodness.

Nope, that's Jarrod (sp?). I feel for Brandi, his wife - she doesn't deserve that. Nor does she deserve the constant assumption (which, of course, I hear from dudes in the audience) that she's only there because...tits. She's got a far better head on her shoulders than that manchild she married. Sigh.

Oh, that would be the best ever. "Tonight, on a very special episode of Property Virgins, Sandra...gets....PISSED."*

And she would smack you for saying you don't like the paint color.