
No, Danica McKellar is getting a divorce so she can turn back up on HIMYM to save the show and become the mother, dammit. Though that makes some of the stories Ted told his kids especially creepy in retrospect. If you need me, I'll just be over here pretending that season finale didn't happen.

Ah, but she's shilling for the enemy, which automatically makes her less rich, amirite? Plus, she's one of those womenfolks who doesn't make her husband a sandwich. (Also known as, they want nothing to do with her because she's not a Serena Joy.)

Oh, and if you're on Twitter (and you're doing a Ph.D.), follow the #phdchat hashtag. Read Profhacker & Gradhacker. They really are marvelous, informal sources of info on how to make grad school less daunting. My campus women's center also has a dissertation writing group, open to Ph.D. and master's students of all

That's the best advice anyone could give you: work to manage it as much as you can beforehand. Make friends with your counseling center on campus when you get there. Don't let the dickheads in your program (who may not even be intentional dickheads, just people dealing with their own anxiety) get to you and undermine

Cardigans ftw!

Yep. I was not quite 22 when we got married (Mr. Aspatria was 22), and we're celebrating 9 years tomorrow. I'm not saying that it's common, or that it's usually a good idea, but it's not out of the realm of possibility that they could have a decent idea about what they want and need from a partner. It's also not out

Mmmm....these all sound delicious. I will definitely try them (I hope soon). Thanks!

Sigh. This explains why I had so much goddamn trouble filling out a time sheet last week. I have always been a worrier, but it's only gotten worse in grad school. Fellow anxious peeps, do not get your Ph.D. Just don't.

Next time I'm in Milwaukee, I'll raise (or, uh, down) a Spotted Cow for you :( I feel for you and all my Wisconsin friends right now.

Hah. I like you. All's fair in war and syllabus creation.

Hee. I may have to borrow that next time I teach a first-year class (giving you credit, of course!).

I remember that one! Glad to know I'm not alone in having survived that terrible, terrible lack-of-sex education.

Augh. This site reminds me of the pro-abstinence "comebacks" that I remember from when I was in middle school. I can't remember if they were from church (though I stopped attending church around middle school, so they may not be) or from some awful abstinence-only sex ed in school (which honestly wouldn't surprise me,

I do (and I like them!). I have an offbrand one that is comfortable and comes up to the ribcage (I wear it to prevent the dreaded thigh rub under skirts rather than smoothing anything), but even that creates a tiny bulge. I still wear it, though. I also have another that comes up to the ribcage - it just rolls down

I feel like the hellacious bulges that come out from the sides of the Spanx would completely negate any possible slimming effect you get from four pairs. That many pairs, no matter how well-fitting, would HAVE to cause the dreaded side bulges.

Me, too! Leslie Knope is probably the most well-written, well-rounded female character on tv right now.

I have been a copy editor in some form or fashion since I was on my junior high newspaper. I can't say that my writing is perfect, or that I catch everything, but this is just egregious. It makes my eye twitch in a way that I can't chalk up to Monday exhaustion. If you can't get basic details right in such a setting,

When that started happening, my activity on the site definitely decreased. I have noticed that, at least in the past few weeks, I haven't been getting as many spambot followers. Maybe it's because I haven't been that active....which doesn't bode well for the site.

Oooh, fun!

Good grief, that's traumatic! So glad you made it out of there ok.