
Hear, hear! I may be married & I may have been raised southern baptist, but I'm so not conservative. In fact, the latter is one of the primary reasons I'm not - I ran in the exact opposite direction of that church from the time I was 11.

From what I've been able to tell, it's pronounced Nars. That makes no sense in my head, because I immediately start looking around for the Multiple.

Excellent point. My advisor recently became a naturalized citizen for a similar reason. Not to veer too far off the article topic, but the problem with the voter ID laws - as they have been proposed thus far - is that they disproportionately affect poor individuals who cannot get a driver's license or state-issued id,

Aha! Thanks for explaining that in a way that makes sense.

Fair enough. I don't quite understand the rationale for this particular law, though - the original article says that it was created to prevent people from fraudulently becoming citizens. To me, it seems like the vote-ID laws (another bugaboo, this one created by GOP!) - a "solution" in search of an "problem" that

Oh, I like this idea. I could see the split donations being more feasible - they really do have a lot of charitable interests.

Me, too! Been here for 5 years, and I still get tickled/confused by how to pronounce Narrows, Botetourt, Staunton, etc.

How does that qualify as the bugaboo (love that word)? Ms. Lavi is herself a U.S. citizen, born in Chicago. She doesn't need an "insurance policy," no matter how the GOP chooses to define it.

Smith Mountain Lake [www.dcr.virginia.gov] is different from Mountain Lake [en.wikipedia.org](Virginia), where most of Dirty Dancing was filmed. However, a few scenes were filmed in Lake Lure, NC.

You know what would be lovely? If Brad and Angelina suckered some tabloid out of that $10 million and donated that money to the Human Rights Campaign or another organization that backs marriage equality. That would be a nod to their original (reported) desire not to get wed till everyone can, and support that goal in

Apparently, he didn't just write werewolf bar mitzvah, he did some of the vocals, too! [tvline.com]

If only the creators hadn't shut it down today.... :(

And, lo, the club kids are making it so (Hils help us all): [epub02.publitas.com] We'll probably be wearing them in a year or two along with our Beat Generation glasses.

Please do "bug" them (if you haven't already). Confide in them. Even if they can't help with money, they can be your support system. Not knowing - being in limbo and in fear - is worse than knowing. Even if it turns out to be cancer, there are at least actions you can take at that point.

How was she caught? When the Komen foundation sued her for using "for the Cure?"

Which is oddly like KFed.

I think that might be what i09 is calling for with their science and culture writer job post: [io9.com]. At least, I hope it is. Right now, reading some of these articles is a bit like playing a game of telephone with data...

Yay, for its sheer hilarity and awesomeness. It reminds me of Cyndi Lauper's back in the 80s: LOTS of colors, so much fun, and confuses the hell out of people.

You know what else isn't a surprise? That people play video games, including arcade games, and yet I watched the hell out of King of Kong and Chasing Ghosts. Why? Because those docs are fantastic. I'd actually look forward to seeing a documentary about the rising pressure on men to adhere to random standards of

Joining in the chorus of voices to say it's not how expensive the ring is, it's that it is a pretty powerful symbol. I lost my engagement ring - which wasn't expensive to anyone other than two broke ass college students - the same week my grandfather passed away, possibly even the same day. I don't even know exactly