
I was just about to say the same thing! Toasted buttered strawberry pop tarts are the best thing ever. Bonus points if they were frosted. Damn, now I want one.

Wait, y'all got sex ed? We didn't get anything. ANYTHING. Our 10th grade health class (which was the only health class we ever had) taught us how to do CPR and to just say no to drugs. That, of course, worked out very well. It's amazing to me that even more girls didn't get knocked up in my high school. For the

& Sessions himself is one of the biggest, er, porkers of them all. Maybe not quite as big as Shelby, who makes sure there are plenty of bacon buildings on the UA campus, but he loves him some government money (except, of course, when other people are getting it). It is fairly entertaining in a

I'll vouch for discounted Hue, too! They're around $5 a pop at TJ Maxx and Marshall's, too. The sweater tights will run you about 10 bucks, but oh my word are they worth it when the wind blows.

Oooh, this is fun! I wanna play! Let's see...I'm a country doctor or a citified beauty queen (why, yes, it WAS a bit Green Acres). That's my great-grandparents, though. Or...I'm a corner store owner/flea market enthusiast in a one stop-sign kind of town. Or a country farmer with 14 kids.

A lot of people in southwest Virginia couldn't make it today because of yesterday's snow (yup, we're wusses - and we don't really have great infrastructure for dealing with snow). There were a lot of us there in spirit....and contacting legislators from home.

You actually can go up the Sunsphere now - at least to the observation deck: [worldsfairpark.org] It's one of my husband's favorite things to do whenever we visit. He was born there...and he's deeply embarrassed by all this "don't say gay" crap. His gay friends all make fun of it just to get to him :)

Fair enough, though that strikes me as being potentially less efficient. Also, I'm not sure how you read "all women's care" into my comment, because I certainly didn't claim that. I am saying that the move seems to disproportionately affect lower-income women, whether it does or not.

I hear what you're saying, but can you name another organization off the top of your head that provides free or low-cost preventative care for women? Across all 50 states & DC? You might be able to find other regional or local providers on a smaller scale, but I highly doubt you'll find one that does so on such a

How is it that Google Problem doesn't understand that what he calls "a public policy difference rather than a personal attack" is, indeed, a very personal attack? That's what happens when you make politics all about the personal (namely, other persons he doesn't know, because he could never ever know anyone who is gay

There's a much stronger gay community in Rke now - lots of people of different ages, backgrounds, etc. moving here, including GLBT folks. I wouldn't say there's one particular area in which they live, though they're certainly more likely to be in the city itself than in the surrounding county.

I know a few in Roanoke, but they're imported from other areas :)

Oh my god, I did this too! I had waaay too many chopped-off-at the waist - or, in this case, left foot - ladies in wacky outfits acting out Dynasty-style plots. Twas fabulous.

Fuck yeah, gymverb! I'm sending an online high five your way. The situation at your old school clearly wasn't easy - I'm sorry you had to deal with shit like that, especially from some people it sounds like you trusted. To make it through all that and excel at your work is fantastic, and you should be proud of

It seems to me that the problem centers on the birth certificate form. Without changing the form, they can't fill in the neat little boxes with neat little answers - it's almost as though they can't conceive of the possibility of another way of being than what's on the form. So what's stopping Iowa from changing the

Not Alabama, please. Enough crazy here already. Not Virginia either! I think we can all agree to send her to a tiny island, preferably one that has a smoke monster and shifts around in time, etc.

You know, I have made fun of those commercials every time they come on tv, but now that it's getting colder I look at them a little more speculatively. If they make any for short chubby peeps, I might have to invest in one.

I'm probably way late to this game, but I've discovered that using FUggs as slippers in my drafty-ass, built-in-1908 house helps immensely with my cold feet. I've tried regular bootie-style slippers, and they're just not enough, sadly. The hard soles of the shoes mean that there's a nice barrier between my icicle toes

Yes, thank goodness, there is video, and it is just as awesome as you think it would be: [gawker.com]