
YES! Thank you!

We're about 6 elections past that point. Once Bill Clinton did Arsenio Hall, the gates were flung open.

My favorite part? When he was tackled by the SS. Too bad they let him up.

Dennis Miller? Miller gave up his sense of humor when he became a Fox contributor.

Or sober up and move on, away from those people. :)

How wide is your experience? :) Yup, there are people who get hooked on AA and groove on going to meetings. Better that then a destroyed live and liver.

There it is! Good on you.

Go to AA for the program. Higher power doesn't have to mean God. It's supposed to mean what will be helpful. Just as there are hundreds of different kinds of drunks, there are an equal number of "higher powers."

Higher power means just that: a higher power. Jesus or Bruce Springsteen—your choice.

No, you're a dry drunk in denial. Part of getting sober is taking a hard look at your past behavior and tossing out what was harmful.

If you work your program properly, it actually does. If you're not changed by cleaning up, you ain't doing it right.

Trier's babble is the reason why you're not supposed to make any hard decisions for a year after rehab. Your brain is so wet and twisted and fractured, it takes that long just to find your feet.