
The intro to Snake Eater - yeah, long, but c’mon - that Bond-style STYLE the song has, that was just fucking MONEY back when I popped it in for the first time. I was hyped to play MGS3 and then the first thing you get is this amazing Bondian intro complete with the stylized sort of morphing montage and that fantastic

MGS3 isn’t actually that bad if you get HD collection (as you can play with updated or original controls).

*sobbing intensifies*

From Cordy and Conner f*cking to this. That’s one hell of a turnaround.

100% agreed. Peter not making his web shooters is just wrong. That is part of his character, he builds all of his own stuff. Tony gives him upgrades. Sure that is fine. But Peter making his own web shooters that always run out of web fluid. That is a must.

I hope you mean BETTER web-shooters from Tony Stark. Peter Parker not building or growing his own is an insult to Spider-Man.

I am so glad my birthday is in November.

I don’t understand why people think he isn’t a good bounty hunter. The one bounty we see him take on is to find the Millennium Falcon. He’s up against 4 other bounty hunters and he’s the only one who can figure it out. He locate them, tracks them, and helps Vader set up his trap. Then he double dips and collects

Sounds like my experience on the 2/11 Zelda/Monster Hunter/Shulk Amiibo/New 3DS midnight launch

Me: Hi, I’d like to purchase a Zelda edition New 3DS
GS: Sorry, Preorders only
Me: ... Okay, do you have any New 3DS consoles?
GS: No. Sorry. Preorders only
Me: Hmm.. Do you have any copies of Zelda Majora’s Mask?
GS: No, sorry.

TPK is fine, when they deserve it. It shouldn’t be the result of a random number generator. That’s why I agree with Sleestakjack. If you have a group doing their best, into the adventure, being creative, don’t kill them off a few straight bad rolls. Especially at the lower levels when they have no HP and they are

Stores like Best Buy, Target, Wal Mart, Toys R Us, etc do not make most of their money off of the sales of video games. Gamestop does, so they don’t want to buy 30 copies of a game for a store that might end up only selling 2-4 of them, and then get stuck sitting on them forever. Until Dawn is a great newer example of

Also... I kinda like an occasional TPK, as a player. Gives you a war story you’ll always remember.

this is one of the reasons i stopped going to gamestop.....other than the fact that they buy your games for like 10 bux then turn around and sell them for full price.

Wow, you put a lot of negative emotion into that one, didn’t you?

The runover is directly tied to how many pre-order there were. If the store only got 4 pre-orders of the game, the company would only send 6 copies. It was a weird system, and frustrated me when I worked there. The only time we got a lot of extra copies was if it was a “blockbuster” game like GTA, COD, Pokemon, etc.

I disagree. The price of adventuring is threat of death. If the players aren’t up for that, there’s other RPGs which don’t involve exploring hostile wilderness where magical beasts can kill you in no time flat. I don’t accept (as a player or a GM) the idea that players get plot immunity.

I totally disagree. No threat, no reward. If you’re not willing to accept the threats provided by the game system, play with a game system where those threats don’t exist. If you’re not up for having a character wiped out with a single sword swing, don’t play Legend of the Five Rings. If you don’t want your party

TPKs should happen when the narrative demands it or when most people involved feel it was justified. If your group is full of people being arrogant or suicidally overconfident, a TPK may be justified even without their approval, but ideally you don’t have a group like that in the first place.

Disagree. If your players are being arrogant asshats (in my experience it just takes one player who rolled high charisma IRL to lead the rest down the path blah blah blah) then you’re well within your rights to off the whole group.

Yeah, but that’s comparing tuberculosis and polio. The bar is so low it doesn’t have any meaning.