

So, I’m only a few hours in so I have no more knowledge than you about this, but didn’t the (Well, I’m going to call him Naked Snake for fun) pee himself? And kill a few guys? And save your life from (what appeared to be) Quiet? And again by driving the ambulance into the fire guy? And has

If anything, I’ve been harmed more by going stealth because I lay about the base for too long verifying that I’ve scouted every possible enemy and route. (That said, I still have been getting out with A’s)

Here’s a quick overview that should keep you up to date:

There were this group call the Philosophers who wielded a ton of influence and money after WWII. Snake and a few of his buddies get a hold of the money and decide to create an organization (Called Cipher or “The Patriots”) that will wield power as well in an

But if that’s the case, isn’t there no Reverse Flash to go back in time and kill Barry’s mother? is she alive and is his father out of prison? That would drastically change the entire story, especially since in that timeline he’s not supposed to have his powers yet (Thawne took over for Wells to speed up construction

Holy crap! I’ve tinkered with moving a PC into an NPC (founder of new group betrays them and becomes big bad) but the whole point is to give the other PCs something to interact with, not read them your fanfic. Boo to him I say!

In cases where the game is ended in an anti-climactic and stupid manner, I can get behind making some adjustments. Perhaps stop the game there while the DM comes up with a solution? Giant spider web and a secret society of spider-worshipers or something? I typically like to avoid people from taking back dice rolls

Narratively I may agree, but I do feel like there needs to be a threat of TPK hanging over everyone’s heads. Maybe the DM can go easy every once in a while, but my personal interest skews more into the Roguelike where all can come crashing down at a moments notice if the party is not collectively careful. I want a

I would prefer if they kept away from the Skye/Ward thing, and not only because I really like Ward and really do not care for Skye. The Ward and Skye relationship was pretty terrible in season 1, with neither character seeming to belong with the other. In season 2 Ward’s relationship with Skye entered a creepy phase,

“I shouldn’t say I’m happy, which would be bad.”

To be fair, stores like Best Buy, Target, Wal Mart, and Toys R Us to not also compete against themselves by selling a lot of cheaper used copies as well (Best Buy has very limited stock at best). They’re also losing money by forcing their customers to go directly to their competition because they refuse to sell

Except that there were no balancing concerns with this same battle in either Battlefront 1 or 2, and you’re now giving each side fighters which doesn’t adjust the balance of power on the ground.

Hello friend! Um... I think you may have responded to the wrong post? My comment didn’t include the subject matter your response seemed in infer. If I’m mistaken, I guess I don’t understand and politely request more information for which I can make a response? My apologies for any inconvenience this may cause!

I’ve been known to pre-order something the night before release for exclusives (I just did so with The Phantom Pain’s digital download), but they’re hardly ever worth it unless the game is already iconic (rare) or they’re selling something that is really cool (even rarer). Even then, I didn’t have any trouble passing

That guy was either a dick or feeding you shit. I picked up Farcry 2 instead of Fallout 3 one time at a Gamestop (I picked it off of the shelf, they did nothing wrong), and I went right back up to the counter afterwards and admitted my mistake. They just exchanged them for me, no problem. Though I was buying new, not

You’d think that there would have to be some runover though, right? “Here are the people who pre-ordered, we expect this many to cancel and this many walk ins in the first week”. I go in on the morning of day one and they don’t have any copies to sell me when their competitor does? That’s idiotic, even if you’re

It was always Gamestop and it was always the same story:

Me: “Hi, I’d like to pick up a copy of (insert new release)“
Gamestop: “Did you Pre-order?”
Me: “Nope, I just came into this game store to buy a game”.
Gamestop: “Sorry, we only have enough copies for pre-orders for some reason”
Me: Runs across the street to Best Buy

And is very important to the storyline, as is Ground Zeroes. I hope that he revisits what happens in those 2 games at the beginning of TPP so that every who missed those two can be up to date.

Without spoiling anything (as you’ve already finished the first one) you’re actually looking at two different characters. The character you play in “Metal Gear Solid” and “Metal Gear Solid 2” is actually the clone of the guy you play in Metal Gear Solid 3 and Metal Gear Solid 5. The eyepatch your character wears in

Is it a joke though? How many reaction videos have been uploaded to Youtube in the past 5 minutes? Its the same concept of watching people watch something else. I’m not saying the joke is particularly funny or up to date, but the idea that someone as completely terrible as Pewdiepie gets the number of views he does is

I was sort of concerned that Abrams was going to mess up the feel of the Star Wars movies, but the puppets and whatnot allayed my fears for a bit. They’re all cropping up again. The look of the blasters, the transparent wings of the TIE Fighters, the chrome stormtrooper outfit... It’s not really part of the aesthetic