INXS - What You Need
Taco - Puttin' On The Ritz
Prince - Sign O' The Times
Leonard Cohen - Everybody Knows
Spinners - Rubberband Man
INXS - What You Need
Taco - Puttin' On The Ritz
Prince - Sign O' The Times
Leonard Cohen - Everybody Knows
Spinners - Rubberband Man
Apes. Not monkeys.
So when you close down the game to go to an adult website, you will be able to, in context say "Stop The Planet of the Apes, I Want to Get Off". That's worth something.
That would be a good sequel name, actually.
I hope he reconsiders the name and calls it Holloweave.
"This is also despite the fact that there was already a big backlash even before Donald Trump started pandering to Nazis"
Uh, so the backlash started over a year before the show was announced?
Can you also just send past me an e-mail telling me not to buy a house in 2008 and instead to use all that money to short Lehman Brother's stock?
I was hoping for this season to be a prequel and called "Bateman Begins".
Dammit, people, stop loving things!
Perhaps you are confusing it with Burn Notice?
You *specifically* said they called him a racist, despite the fact that he is an African American, and you cannot provide any citations of them doing so, because that was not what they did.
Once again, you fail to cite a source that indicates that the SPLC called Ben Carson a racist. What they called him was an extremist for his anti-gay views. They later apologized, because unfortunately, his views probably aren't considered that extreme in this country. But yeah, despite what the first article said,…
It's interesting that the article you cite says " It also has smeared eminent scholars like Murray and Ayaan Hirsi Ali as well as pediatric neurosurgeon (now secretary of Housing and Urban Development) Ben Carson", but conveniently does not actually provide a link to what they said that was a smear. So, the point…
Huh. I see plenty of posts from Conservatives that indicate that Obama was the real racist, but now you're telling me that Ben Carson can't be one because he is African American?
That's how mine works, too. Also, I have a regular Disqus account, and sometimes when I get "logged out" from my regular AVClub account, it posts from that account instead.
Well, I'm not exactly aware of the situation that led to you leaving, so he may know better.
Well, actually what I mean is they suspended the approval requirement for registration (you still need to create an account, it just no longer requires approval to be active). I think it's time for my afternoon nap.
I'm not really in charge, but they have suspended registrations due the kinjapocalypse, so you should be able to get back on without any issue.
Upvoted in sympathy.
Viva Las Vegas!