
I do get those, I had just never categorized such a thing as a crush before (or even actually realized that was what was going on).

A couple of ways:

That’s really interesting! I’ve never heard crushes described in such a mundane way. It was hard to imagine how people functioned on a daily basis if they got crushes “all the time” in the way they’re depicted in fictional media; “positive acquaintanceship plus a little something extra that I don’t experience” is a

As someone who’s never had a crush, how often do these tend to happen for everyone else? The entire concept of a crush is kind of baffling and fascinating to me, never mind it happening regularly like this article suggests.

I remember watching this a little while ago in a dormitory rec lounge. When Nurse Joy said “Pokemon weren’t meant to fight!”, it didn’t matter what point she was making; the entire room broke out in hysterics. That line really underscores the whole angle with Mewtwo that you pointed out in just the most absurd way

Wait... People put rum in root beer floats?

Actually, the best use of pennies is ass pennies.

I’ve had trouble with this in the past, and unfortunately the best way through it is to become one of your shouty, interrupting coworkers yourself. This link helped with elaborating on just how to do that: http://www.succeedsocially.com/groupconversat…