Dr Rotwang!

Tellya what, man. Watching "The Expanse", after having read the first two books, I keep getting confused because Amos is a white dude. Search me, but I just kinda pictured him as a black guy, in the books. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I find that the best way to respond to over-enthusiastic agitators like Harris-Perry is to ignore them, and to continue to live my life as I've always tried to: being fair to everybody.

"Howard would have punched Milius in the fucking face if he'd seen what he did with Conan."

Subotai? Awesome?! He was dinner for a wolf!

…and it opens with Conan not killing someone, stealing something or bedding somebody…but rather with Conan CORRECTING A MAP, because he'd been to the place and knew things the cartographer didn't.

Seconded. I think they eventually get to, "So, how's your wife?"

And after he does the Milius voice, he says:

THANK YOU. Sincerely.

I'm gonna hafta be That Guy and point out the following: