
Supposedly the first book was originally going to be an album of "found" photos with snippets of narrative, but his editor convinced him to turn it into an actual novel.

Unstable molecules! Pym particles!

"Sooo….is there a Mrs. Sinister?"

Unfortunately, they completely cut Molly's soliloquy out of the American dub of the cartoon.

My favorite part was when Red Skull would say "Push the button, Hitler!" and something would blow up.

It's funny because now those little artistic flourishes they do in between the rigorous athletic stuff seems so perfunctory - grimly executing double back flips and then…stop…shoulder shimmy…

Tick's voice is good, but needs less goons with guns and more Eastern Bloc Robot Cowboy.

Supposedly (although only Fox / Marvel lawyers really know for sure) Skrulls are okay, but Super Skrulls (with FF powers) aren't. Problem is, Xavin was a Super Skrull in training (only one power at a time), so I don't know where that leaves him/her.
But I was wondering, what if they had an alien who could change shape,

Well, it was Runaways' Whedon-esque moments that got Whedon to want to write his run, so that's even more irony (or less, I'm not sure). I read it in trades, so I didn't have to put up with the delays, but I liked the first half, with Kingpin, Punisher and heist shenanigans. Once they went back in time, much less.

I'm guessing they are going to use Adam's dreams to cover the non-linear flash-backs and forwards of the story. Renner said in interviews “If you’re a parent, it’s going to wreck you.”, so they're probably keeping the main core of the novella - the entirety of the daughter's life.

"I just know it's them Yancy Street Gang yahoos sendin' those tweets! The bums!"

Right now, you know Donald's thinking up a devastating nickname for DeNiro.

"I told you he was a menace!" J.Jameson.

Incest and Peppermints…

"Do you bend?"

Yeah, they separate and Ronson watches amused as a bunch of wealthy bozos play act with goofy costumes and confused pagan imagery. Then he meets back up with Jones who's wide-eyed and convinced he's just seen Babylon reborn.

And that little boy grew up to be…Erwin Rommel.

"My god, it's full of nothing!"