
My favorite that I saw once was Calvin peeing on the word "EX-WIFE". You have to admire the ingenuity involved, because if he just used a drawing of his ex wife, we wouldn't know who she was or why she was being peed on.

Krazy Kat > Spanish-American War.

Man, after that whole "HEIMDALL ISN'T BLACK!!!!" deal for the first Thor movie, that would be worth it just for entertainment value.

Yeah, I want a studio audience that goes wild with hoots and applause every time Lily walks into the room, so much so that all the actors have to stand around for several seconds waiting for it to die down before they can say their lines.

Well, it was a Flat Beard Tax, so it was fair.

Favorite episodes, go!
— Howard gets an all leather outfit to show up a romantic rival.
— Emily feels self-conscious about her age so she dresses 'younger' (pigtails!)
— Bob and Jerry (i think) are being held up in Bob's apartment. The thief makes them stand facing the wall with their hands up. Howard comes in, thinks

I think you would get a Venn diagram with two circles in different time zones. Also, if you're going undercover as a Quaker, it's best to go easy on the décolletage.

"WOLVERINE IS A JERK!" — Molly Hayes

There are no small parts, just small actors.

Joey Bishop as Bishop: Stunt casting!

These are the books about chicks fucking dinosaurs, right?

Just think how bad he'd be if he wasn't a Muslim.

If he teamed up with somebody with earthquake-inducing powers they could be Shake N Bake.

The face half off screen close-up is what I always remember, too. They used it a lot when characters were just explaining something. Maybe they were trying to be arty?

"In The Barn" Jesus, did that story scar teenage me. The 'hero' fucks the youngest cow chick, because she doesn't have grotesquely huge tits like the others (oh, and they all have the minds of children, by the way), but she isn't satisfied so he gives her to the gigantically equipped bull guy, muttering "yeah, that's

We Litigate Econo

"I don't know what the hell's in there, but it's weird and horny, whatever it is!"

The only part I enjoyed was the Cheshire Cat, and even that was mainly at the beginning, when he first appeared and was just insinuating a threat…the CGI even seemed better for a bit…but yeah, the rest was just a pastiche of other revisions of "Alice", with bland, by-the-numbers OUAT villains. And that last, overhead

Yeah, that bugged me, I doubt that term was used then, but I guess they couldn't have him call them 'savages' or 'aboriginals'.

Well they were African Emperor Scorpions (mild mannered & not dangerous to humans but BIG and scary so everyone's go-to movie scorpion) so…Africa? (if you're an entomology or herpetology nerd you get used to seeing stuff like this or harmless king snakes becoming deadly killers on TV)