
There have been “incredible results” due to the loss of life in these storms? Are you serious right now?

You weren’t moved by how SATC II brought to our attention the oppression suffered by Middle Eastern women (by holding an impromptu fashion show in the middle of the movie of said oppressed women, as they’re running away from men who want to kill them?) Because I was really moved by that. Or I had a bowel movement, I

As someone that dealt with a living nightmare of trying to get rid of bedbugs for 6 months before convincing our landlord to please for the love of God just let us out of our lease so we can move, I can tell you a couple of things that worked for us and that did not.

Fuck bed bugs.

Despite her 30 second spat with Trump, she is entirely complicit in creating the dynamic allowing him to be elected.

So why didn’t she ask Robert Redford about his terrible facelift?

I think that the real lesson here is that old white men should probably not say things in public.

  • Put on some Barry White and rub them sensuously all over your body

Based on past LH articles, when I saw the headline I was half expecting the article to say that simmered butter wrappers make a flavorful stock.

Are you sure you are just not justifying your hoarding behavioral issue? ;)