Dr. Random

For me, price is a number when compared to my bank account.

Fuck this headline. I love it.

Oh man, by the time Ratchet & Clank was revealed I was already at the shutupandtakemymoney.gif phase.

I’ll let Chris Rock respond:

Swing and a miss, Failure.

Yeah we really have a rather negative attitude about each other. The vast majority of human beings are fair and nice. Wasn’t it GoG who have a similar, trusting business model, and they’re doing fine, because they treat their customers with respect not like potential thieves. I’d like us to move away from this notion

You can respect and appreciate all  involved and still think this was idiotic and absurd. It was a bad decision. It looked inauthentic and ridiculous. Most black folks don’t even celebrate kwanzaa, what the fuck do kente stoles have to do with justice in policing? They’d have been better off wearing pins or t-shirts

Damn. To be fair, it looks pretty janky on PS4 as well. In general, this game was pretty overrated as much as I wanted to love it. Just seemed like a lot of people really wanted to give the middle finger to Bethesda and the hope for a spiritual successor to New Vegas kinda blinded them. I was in that camp until I got

Yeah I was gonna say this. It didn’t look that good on the systems it was made for and ran like it was optimized for about 10 minutes before someone said “that’ll do, ship it!” (as much better looking games run much better on my Xbox than outer worlds did).

and that’s okay! There’s an implicit ‘if Black people are around you’ attached to the statement. Consider also: the internet— with the caveat that I don’t want you to go out and try to collect Black friends like Pokemon.

Not to devalue or take away from your message, but, (and there’s not really a nice, or I guess delicate way to frame this) there aren’t any Black friends to be had where I live... What I mean by that is I live in a VERY whitewashed place with a large Hispanic culture, and that’s essentially it.

It’s hard to understand the mental trauma you endure. I’m not black, maybe I can’t fully understand it but it helps that I’m not white either and I’m not American. I remember one day in school when I was around 10 or 11. One of our teachers gave us a lesson on the israeli oppression of Palestinians during the intifada

Go fuck yourself.

Good on you for posting this knowing well there will be lots of people screeching about “I come to Kotaku for games journalism, not social justice”.  Everyone needs to pay attention, all ages, all races, all religions.  Only when people are paying attention will they actually comprehend what is going on around them.

Actually, the guy’s usual performance was about the same as his performance on real tracks, and as the article notes, it was another real racer that came in second above even the ringer.

Must have stolen a sweetroll to get a sentence like that.

I’m not sure you realize exactly what that would entail.

On the flipside, the internet as we know it couldn’t exist is companies were held responsible for the actions of private individuals using their services.

People who can talk to their teammates without fear of harassment have an advantage over those who can’t. Also, though, that’s not the central conceit at all. It set people off, but it devolves almost immediately into a storm of calling her ugly and mentally ill long past the original point being forgotten.

short version: if everybody on one team can communicate without fear of being harassed (and therefore without the need to mute voice comms or whatever), they’re probably going to be more coordinated than a team with one or more members who can’t just easily use chat. even beyond the harassment issue, if you’re looking