Dr. Random

One of the things to keep in mind about the Viking was that they weren’t really any better or worse than any other army of the time. Yes, the Vikings raided and pillaged, but that was the standard MO for pretty much every army back then. The only real difference was the Vikings, who weren’t Christian, had no

That Alexios stat was surprising. Kassandra was better in every way! Here’s hoping they don’t have a DLC story that pulls a 180 on the character forcing them into a relationship with an absolute wet blanket.

We wanted to have ours outside because our gym was stupidly loud and hot but ‘setting up all the chairs is too much work for the custodial staff and you kids aren’t allowed to set up chairs because the custodial staff has to do it’.

You ain't fooling nobody. No Trump voter would have a polysyllabic username.

? That Spider-Man picture with the sliding car is just what you get if you click the photomode button during the end of the car chase mini game. 

I’ve never played R6 Siege so posting just the picture of the infringing game doesn’t really do anything to show me any similarities. May I suggest posting a picture of the Ubisoft game as well so the “many, many similarities” become more apparent to the reader?

I’ve noticed this particular trend on the internet that people tend to act like they know everything about programming, computer game development, graphics, loading of assets etc when they have 0 knowledge of how a computer actually works or how memory management and these 3d graphics rendering works.

Not too surprising given the last section of the tech demo was walking out of the cave area into a large landscape full of similarly detailed assets falling apart with physics, as the character was moving through them at high speed.

It would turn the bot lobbies into ghost towns and they know it. Unless the bots fill up empty spaces, then you’d get maps that are almost all bots.

The PsP2??? WTF is that. Do you mean the Vita? The vita had amazing analog sticks for a tiny little portable.

The Switch is hardly a portable..

Did you go out of your way to make a meme to complain about this? I highly doubt you just had that meme ready to go meaning you made this for this post. Why not devote that time to something better than complaining?

Maybe don’t read articles about games on a gaming website that you have to go out of your way to read and comment on.

Says the guy complaining about an article on a video game website.

Epic confirmed that it is playable and was recorded from a PS5 devkit.

There will absolutely be games that look like this.  There are games now that are 80% of this already.

This blew away the entire demonstration that Microsoft gave last week. It actually felt like this was real gameplay running on the hardware. I don’t even know if this is a real game, but this demonstration was legit the first next-gen demo that impressed me.

Interesting side note: only a handful (maybe less than that) of angels are actually named in the bible. But this person is having an issue with fiction relating to biblical reference, but their whole description of end times involves lots of christian fiction that isn’t biblical. It’s bizarre. 

Nice. If we have to deal with hyper-jingoistic garbage like Call of Duty every year, we can surely have a few outright leftist titles here and there.

Now playing

To me, this is still the gold standard for video game trailers:

Maybe it was gameplay. Due to a glitch in the Animus, modern folk can only interact with the past like cinematographers and video editors. Zoom camera in, zoom camera out, add a slow motion blur every so often, etc.