Dr. Random

Why is one of the subheadings “the slavery of Gollem”? I was expecting a hottish take on how the game adopts a slavery/captivity theme without trying to do anything mechanically or aesthetically meaningful with it (which is valid criticism). Instead it’s just... subtitle clickbait?
Seems like a somewhat callous use of a

I haven’t checked what else was presented at this digital event, but it’s a sad reflection of the state of VR games that a title which  is both 2 decades old and non-existent at the same time is the main headline...

To me those emails by Quackalope don’t seem like they come from a ‘sweet person’s, but more from a very bad sales rep.

I am seeing some old school Kotaku quality commenting here! (For Kotaku and because of the doom and gloom that has come over snappy media platforms recently that’s made me feel very old, that’s a good thing.)

I’d also like a post-mortem!

Some serious balls must have been dropped for this otherwise proven dev studio to fumble so badly. I’m looking forward to hear more in months or years to come about the development of this game...

I really enjoy your re-reviews!

What an excellent story all-round. A great click-baitey title, followed by superb research, multiple angles of commentary, a lingering mystery, and actual insight into the gaming industry and how it fits into politics and culture. It’s got it all!

This probably will get buried under the mountain of comments, but I just wanted to say: great piece! I really appreciate how you take the time to evaluate the game as a Game(TM), but manage to also draw in exactly the intersectional rotten core at the heart of this world.

Fair point.

The thing with Game Pass, as with any other thing Microsoft (and other tech megacorps) does, is that you’re not only paying directly, but you’re becoming more entrenched in the Microsoft ecosystem. It’s not (only) about game sales, it’s about growing users, grabbing more of their data, and their time spent with your

You’re absolutely right.

This piece is peak Kotaku. Silly, riveting, informative, excellent stuff!

I read that as Weird AI (Artificial Intelligence).

To paraphrase John Donne, no one is an island, floating in a hottub entirely by themselves. Solid, social reason!

I mean... this is a hottish hyberbolic take, but not outrageously so.

Now these are some suggestions that would make everyone’s life better!

That’s great news, actually!

With Fahey’s work you always felt there was a person behind it who cared deeply for games but still more for humans, who knew what to do and say to makes all of us feel better, even in the darker times. It is heartwarming to read that this was also how he made his colleagues feel.

Interesting point! As a small-time but regular streamer for me it is the complete opposite.