Dr. Random

Or if you really want to, Kotaku, maybe try writing a piece with another angle or some news beyond what Nathan wrote a year ago.

AI always like reading that one negative critical review of a game that is generally praised so I can understand better whether it’s something for me.

Seen from continental Europe, I’m surprised PS4 only sold double the amount. Almost no one here has a One.

I’m really looking forward to GTA6, as I have done for all Rockstar games since GTA1 (okay, I admit I never played that Ping-Pong game). That said, the intense crunch involved in the making of RDR2 really was a blemish on it and impacted my own enjoyment of it.

This is just diamond-tier gaming culture journalism. The topic is absolutely silly, as well as bloody serious at the same time and yet you show how both these dynamics work together and have a big impact on someone’s life and the larger community.

PSA: I had an ‘you can order your Steam Deck now’ email sent to me during my Easter, no internet break. Got back and I had missed my window. HOWEVER, after sending an email to customer service, they actually allowed me to get back my original reservation.
So, fwiw, if you happen to miss your, imo ridiculous(ly short)

I live in the Netherlands and am 100% happy that I am protected by law from manipulative games like this and, by extension, having to get my panties in a twist because of it.

But when you fall through the world in space, you'll go extra-dimensional! That'll be a feature not a bug!

Came here for this read in the news piece, was disappointed, but thankfully we still have the good folks in the comment section.

I’m in the Netherlands where there are in fact laws against these types of games.

This is exactly the spirit of the law in the Netherlands. The fact that companies are not willing to put solid age checks in place is leading to this impasse.

From the Netherlands. Also a big Diablo fan.

I thought this was going to be like Kurosawa-mode in Ghost of Tsushima, but it’s much better executed due to very specific camera angles and scripted backgrounds.

I have the Deck for two days now (story about that below) and the games I tried with it that weren’t tested yet still ran and while UX may not be as good as on PC it still very passable.

Kick out Russian oligarchs and their blood money? “That’s very complex, takes time, let us not rush into things...”

It’s moths all the way down!

Wow... The critters certainly came out of the woodworks for this one. Whew...


Japan is extremely resistant against foreign hostile takeovers of their companies. In fact, unless I am mistaken, the very first one was only in August 2021.

Hallie, I am a researcher who studies the intersection of past, politics, and play and I just wanted to thank you for a really evenhanded, insightful and useful piece on these crosswords.