I can see how there are a lot of bad takes out there concerning this new regulation, many of them coming from tapping into a fear of or dislike for the CCP for easy clicks. Good to call that out.
I can see how there are a lot of bad takes out there concerning this new regulation, many of them coming from tapping into a fear of or dislike for the CCP for easy clicks. Good to call that out.
From the moment the first trailer for Far Cry 6 dropped in July 2020, I knew this was the series’ same old schtick, which includes dialling up the “no politics, but really authentic” bullshit up a notch every single installment.
Is it actually true that teaching is seen (more) as women’s work in America?
I teach on history and game design at a university in Europe and I frequently use WTWTLW as one of the best historical perspectives present in any game.
Even this excellent game can’t distract from the fact that we should not be having the Olympics right now and against the will of the majority of the population of the host country.
I am not totally convinced but I did preorder for the Q1 2022 delivery. If first reviews come in and the general idea is that it does as advertised, excellent! I will get the Deck and have a ton of fun playing indies on my couch and on the go.
TLOU2 is a very good character-driven story, but TLoU was both a great character- and world-driven one. This short film has those qualities as well. Here’s to hoping that the HBO show manages this, too.
Aside from the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad decision to just throw this out there in the world, this video also shows just toxi team management in general.
Well... Now you made me want to apply!
While I care jack all for outputting to 4K or even bigger storage, there’s one big reason why I would like an upgraded or simply a new switch model: better ram and processors.
“The original Monopoly’s design strengths”... I am always interested how Monopoly is perceived to be a ‘strong’ game by many, while most game developers agree it is a broken piece of trash, systemwise.
“No Man’s Sky was a mess of broken promises and shattered dreams when it launched”
You're right, I hadn't seen it from that angle yet!
Well! This certainly provides a new perspective on things!
You and I look nothing alike (don’t know if that makes me a mainstream gamer), but that does not matter: I am on 100% on goddamn board with your ideals and your ideas to make this happen!
Hey thanks, I thought it meant switching browsers but I see there’s some options here. On the other hand, I kind of want to support Kotaku (or at least the non-herbs) and an AdBlock just straight up cuts off what I thought was the only way of doing that (but see the reply by TitusL)
Hey thanks! I didn't know about that service!
Yeah, I know, but I guess there’s no other way to let ‘the Kotaku powers that be’, not the author’s, know they’re basically destroying their readership. As I enjoy coming here, I don’t want that to happen.
So... Sorry to hijack what seems like a pretty cool story about game dev, but,on mobile at least, it is basically unreadable due to the insane amount of ads between main content.