Dr. Random

Although I love Druckmann’s work, I don’t particularly like how he more and more absorbs the role of the author in his games. Of course, he is the actual author from a production standpoint, but interactive entertainment for me is as much about entertainment as interactivity: finding my own way through a world or a

When I picked this up it was just because of its relation to the D&D franchise and of course the Baldur’s Gate relation. I thought to myself it would probably be an ok game, like Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone, but nothing anything special. After playing it for a bit, I was completely in love with it and it was the

Very excited to find out if TLOU works as a series as well as the standalone game worked.

Kingdom Death 1.0 was in fact my very first Kickstarter, in what now seems ages ago.

OMFG... Doc! You killed me with all the physical descriptions this week. For some reason the face like a bulldog chewing a wasp got me literally rolling on the floor. Thanks for the jokes and also... there was a lot of hitting nails on the head like always. Love what you do, keep it up!

I am not sure what the developers think this art style will do for their game, but it is certainly not doing much for me.

Wow! I never understood the story behind Vermeer’s painting, but with this anime rendition it suddenly has a whole lot more plot to it!

Doesn’t seem to be the case: they comment on it on their page, saying you will be able to stack complimentary units (warrior and settler) and combine some units of the same types into corps. Seems like they are looking for the best of both worlds here. Keep the faith, brother!

Yeah, I agree, but this time it seems to be intelligent stacking, so units that support each other: eg marines with anti-tank and warriors and settlers. That isn’t bad as long as we don’t see the return of these enormous stacks of doom.

Is that Sean Bean doing the VO? Would be a departure for the series in terms of voice colour if he did all of the VO work, but I really like what they have done with this trailer!

The idea that a bungie employee would do such a thing (likely under instructions) does not seem that far-fetched to me.

Wow! Just wow! Every year, I am amazed at the amount of beauty that is created by these people. At times like these I am so proud of us human beings!

Wow... I’ve camped out at an airport now and again and I have to say, you’ve captured that feeling of in-betweenness wonderfully. This is a food documentary for the ages!

Ha! I love the first shot of your video: basically a lot of “news” outlets pirating on each other. I am happy that Kotaku is interested in the background behind the newslines behind the tweet. Thank you for this refreshingly in-depth piece (even if I personally like written pieces better than video content).

Agreed... Still, I don’t mind if Patricia wants to wade through a slough of trie-hard not so funnies to bring us a couple of gems.

Fair point! In principle I support games that innovate and explore, so I’ll buy it out of principle...

Regarding the video by the Idea Channel: in it the host talks of narrative vs. structural violence. Does any of you have a clue where he gets these terms from (in the narrow sense he uses them)?

Helpful tips for any prospective father, thanks!

Yeah... As I said, I’ll be doing what you have been doinh the last gew years IRL in a couple of months myself.

I agree. That said, I don’t think I will play the game.