
The data shows that most suicide survivors do not attempt again. You shouldn’t make factual claims based on your “feelings”, which, as far as I can tell, are where this claim is usually coming from when you make it.

This reminds me of playing ‘office’ with my brothers when we were kids. We’d put on church clothes that were headed for donation, grab a long abandoned attaché case (or barbie doll carrier) and go to work. We tinkerbell stamped random papers, stapled things, held meetings and drank ‘coffee’ out of gas station mugs. It

Counterpoint: I do not do anything special to avoid germs (and I work in a large office, take public transit every weekday and exercise at a gym, in addition to flying several times a year), and I haven’t been ill in about 10 years, with exception of a bout of food poisoning. My secret isn’t so much to avoid germs as

I think the important thing to ask him (if you still want to ask him things) is essentially “where the hell did that come from?” There’s a difference between a person who answers that question with “My racist jackass family member used to say that word all the time when I was little, and for years I copied them

My Slutty Erick Erickson costume emphasizes literally all body parts I could squish together to create cleavage, including elbows and armpits.

Tiger “What is it today, Joe?”
Lion “Ugh, Christian again.”
Tiger “We’re never getting tacos again are we?”

Liver. WHy am I saying this? Because an overdose of Tylenol can kill your liver and then you die.

How very fucking dare these people threaten violence and commit violence because they aren’t getting their way.

I’ve done multiple assists in flight, and only twice actually have traveled with work id (as close as you get to “credentials”). Usually (now on later occasions) they’ll put you on with a medical team on ground (UPMC) in the more serious case. They’ll ask some probing questions and you’ll get on with treatment. I’m

Pass the glue, sir, you have huffed nearly all of it.

I’m already past that point. It’s like the dumbasses on fb who are “praying” Trump doesn’t get elected.

God must be really mad at science now. Since AIDS was his punishment for homosexuals, that’s gotta be frustrating being undercut like this.

The guns aren’t. Kids are dying. I think I will continue.

I cannot believe the family’s are responsible for the health care costs of a child in the US. It is almost as bad as the gun thing.

Get a flu shot please. And I’m not “not a doctor.”

When my wife went through 40 hours of labor, I was glad that she finally knew what it felt like when I got a cold.

There are many different parenting styles for many different children.

Yay - at long last, some specific focus on pediatric cancers! Having lost a child to the awful disease, I’m thrilled through tears to finally see a movement to break through the paltry 4% of cancer research going to pediatric issues.

I hope every time he unloads the dishwasher, he gets cold water spilled on his feet. While wearing socks!

I hope every step he takes barefoot will be on a Lego.
I hope he swallows a jack.
I hope his phone never connects to the wifi.