
You’re retarded. As soon as the league looked into the extent of the violation, the Patriots lied, deflected, and obstructed. Stop being such a willfully blind partisan and use whatever brain you have left dummy.

Brady & Kraft: Nobody on the Patriots has done anything wrong!

Patriots’ indignation and refusal to concede wrongdoing is strikingly similar to the Gawker editorial staff, no? “There is no direct compelling evidence!” vs. “”They breached the editorial firewall!” Not surprisingly, the reactions from disinterested, sentient beings has been similar as well...

Um douchebag much??

Are you thick-headed or something?? It isn’t the deflation, it is the repeated lying, causing the league to have to spend millions investigating their lying, the destruction of evidence, obstruction of the league investigation, phony indignation as if they are the victims, insulting the league’s integrity when they

Every Gawker post should begin with a similar disclaimer! A first for everything it seems!

Yes, you are crazy. Any sentient being knows Brady is guilty just like any non-delusional or unbiased person knows that OJ was guilty. The Patriots organization and fans are embarrassing themselves with their faux indignance, they are acting like the petulant Gawker editorial staff that can’t admit they are wrong.

And the legal nexus to Minnesota is what exactly?? That certain Minnesota Vikings players got favorable rulings in the court there? Patriots are pathetic.

Maybe is you live in Yuma, Arizona you could replace your energy bill, otherwise the savings are minimal and the cells are shot after 5 years before you’ve even broken even.

Ten years is not a few years. Unless you live in the desert, the energy savings will be minimal. Further, the cells to not retain energy well, become depleted and break down in wintery and rainy weather. Before you have even reached the break-even point the panels would be shot and need replacing. Plus, government

Islamic State? Oh, you mean the JV? They couldn’t possibly be a treat to anyone, just like schoolyard kids wearing Kobe Bryant jerseys...